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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. I live in a village it’s probably they don’t understand and laugh

    to relieve themselves. Sometimes when your visiting the village 

    the term “Don’t think to much” should apply and try to enjoy the

    visit. ....

  2. Many countries take fingerprints when entering country.  US ,China, Germany many more. Nothing to worry about.  


    Read an atticle yesterday I’m US news. 80 year old was arrested for

    Murder 40 years prior using DNA from form he filled the envelope he licked to seal. An gave back to investigators unknown to him were police. 


    His brothers were checked without know. One from a straw

    he used drinking a soda forgot what the checked on other 

    brother neither tested positive

  3. 50 minutes ago, cmrichsw said:

    NO insurance ask for a discount on the bill they will give it to you.

    I was in ER in US for heart problem. They ran several test and 

    Was told needed check and have an operate. 


    Didn't get the operation was in ER 2-3 hours. Emailed the bill @ $6,000 USD. I called the hospital accounts receivable explained

    i don’t have health insurance I’m uninsurable. Ok sent new bill

    to pay cash (bank transfer) total $2,000 paid in full immediately. 


    Refused the operation which I had at 39 years old at cost

    @ 120,000 USD insurance paid all buy $100 co-pay.


    After telling the Dr. no several time. I was flying back 

    to China the next day. Dr left the room nurse said if 

    your flying tomorrow chew aspirin every hour during 

    the flight. 


    Had operation in China 15% percent of what US would

    have been including a private room. Excellent Dr. 


    I could’ve paid cash for operation in US. But I didn’t work 

    all those years and save money to empty most of the cash

    to extend my life a few years. Would’ve much rather it be  

    Given kids and grandkids....  





    • Confused 1
  4. Had to look it up....Samlors (Thai Rickshaws)

    In many Thai towns and cities, samlors are still used as a means of transport. The traditional samlor (sam=three; lor=wheel) is a rickshaw which is pedaled by the driver whilst the passenger sits in the back. Some motorized rickshaws are also called samlors, but more commonly the motorized versions are known as tuk-tuks.




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