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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. OP if you ride the MC get going at day break or earlier if the roads are safe near your starting point. It’s hot and you’ll be fatigued for 

    sure if it’s 4 hours of non stop riding.


    A friend wanted me to ride to BKK from Udon which is doable but the car is a much better ride so I said no Thanks! The grind of yanking the throttle on a 250 cc for 7-8 hours not a lot of fun. Especially it’s wont be scenic relaxing ride. Eyes wide open watching for anything that might happen ....


    In US road 15,000 km in 30 days on my Road King but it had cruise control scenic routes most the way wanted to enjoy the ride not the semi trucks. 


    Road Ocala, Fl to Sandusky Ohio for bike show and to get pinstripes done (redone Brother in law dropped bike at the light wet and in the paint) 3400 km round trip was a grind on the street glide only thumb lock which works well on a flat road...


    Sorry to get off track if it’s long risky ride which may end up to two days....might consider that bus...





  2. 1 hour ago, jgarbo said:

    Changing lanes without indicators is Bt 500 fine. What's the problem? 

    OP used indicators sounds like it may have been a solid line. Possible not clear due to paint faded. Fine could very well be

    500 baht OP asked what the fine was and paid it.


    Below is what a carpool violation (crossing solid line) will cost you in California. Even if you have enough people to be in the carpool lane you have to enter and exit as disgraced. My rear tire clipped the painted line entering. Fought it and won because the officer didn’t appear in court. 


    If the officer wanted to be a be a real prick when he turned on the lights to pull you over and you went back across the line and it wasn’t an exit. 2x they can fine you every time you cross. 


    Carpool (HOV) lane ticket = $490.00


    OP I’d have done the same as you not worth the hassle and less than the price of a decent steak...

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    For a start there are no points in the Thai driving license system.

    Points It’s coming....... I would have paid the fine possibly ask the officer

    to walk back show you the infraction area. If within reason

    pay and go. A solid white / yellow line think it as wall and don’t 

    cross it. 


    12 point system ......




    • Like 2
  4. Saw the place on TV news beautiful place and must of cost a big 

    chunk to build. One would think you’d get most things right before 

    putting out that type of money.


    Anyone heard what the building costs are? 


    Well hes a nice nice place to live with plenty of room...If he doesn’t 

    go to jail, gets blacklisted and the boot......or the worst they people he gave money settle the score. 



  5. On 4/24/2019 at 5:48 PM, asanee said:

    No-they SELL onward @ home-with oft

    Not necessarily at least from what I’ve noticed living in China 10 years prior. They like to give gifts to show the traveled a broad. Visa to Thailand very easy for Chinese. Visa to US very difficult. 


    3 times Chinese customer of mine paid for business class flights lodging, meals..everything to accompany him to US for business meetings. We would spend 3 days visiting potential customers and vendors then 4 days at outlets.... I drove and it was boring. He’d take back for customers and family gifts. 

  6. On 4/20/2019 at 12:21 PM, John1010 said:

    she had one of those insects

    The birth control implant is a tiny, thin rod about the size of a matchstick. It's also called Nexplanon and there's a slightly older version called Implanon. A doctor inserts the implant under the skin of your upper arm. It releases the hormone progestin to stop you from getting pregnant.


    Ex wife had one didn’t want children 

  7. For children to stay a couple of days or weeks with grandparents during break is reasonable. We live in a village and the problem I see is lack of discipline. 


    Ive seen it first hand with the wife’s nephew. painting our moto

    that looks new, breaking the window bending frame to get into grandma room (she lives with us).... everything they laughed. 


    The window I sent messages to both pair parents 1=2 boys 1= I girl one boy. Told them I don’t care who it was but they need to find out and pay to have it fixed. It was fixed and I got some dagger eyes.


    It’s a lack of discipline 

  8. Maybe it was in the phone... I read yesterday a person had bees in their eye!


    He's eyesight, and the lives of the bees, were saved by the fact she had not rubbed her eyes. The small bees, known as Halictidae or “sweat bees”, are attracted to human perspiration and are found all over the world. They are not usually aggressive and sting only if touched.

  9. I’ve been to the Philippines long ago maybe 20 yrs ago. I didn’t explore much was a business and ate a person one night. Manila seems much like most big cities like Los Angeles not easy to feel



    Read through an article I think was TV and from a brief read it’s

    Similar in costs money needed in bank or land or?  A person would

    have to go there rent a place 1-2 months and look if that’s what you want do, 


    If the reason is money savings and English speaking that’s nit the best of reasons . Even though I know very little Thai I can sort it

    out and most in the village are good people. 


    I was a Salesman for 35 years traveling like a mad man. A truth is

    dont like to talk to people much. 30 minutes is enough. I was successful because I told it as it was and no blowing smoke 

    uo their ass.,. Aerospace field 


    Anyway take a look before you jump in..... maybe in the later years 64 now it will be a finical crunch but just work it out. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Tomtomtom69 said:

    None of them know what cricket is

    Ain’t that what they called long ago now it’s called Major League Baseball and they have the World Series ....where have you been all 

    life in a wicket.....


    Sorry sorry I had to do it you opened the door and .... we’ll i ain’t got no friends up here in wandersville ... I had one and he up and died.



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