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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Anyone know of pharmacy near BKK hospital that carries losartan? There’s a chain pharmacy in the mall think they would have? 



  2. At least once a month people come to our house wanting to borrow

     money on land or us to buy land. 1 one person paid back on time which was 2 months later and paid no interest. Yesterday someone came by Told the wife tell them no or F.......she told them no. 


    A couple years back wives papa was having glass double doors installed. Asked gf at the time who is paying for it. Papa doesn’t work is 54? Papa who doesn’t speak English looked at me and said you. 


    Should’ve ran then......

    • Like 1
  3. Red plates ..... when I first moved to China foreign owned cars had black plates and Chinese owned had blue. Cars belonging to foreigners, joint-stock companies, foreign companies and diplomatic staff black with white writing. 


    They’ve changed to blue w/white letters to all cars now. 


    Problem with special  plates to show foreigners or in paid cash for car. 

    You become a target. 


    In China com artist would see black plates fake an accident to get 

    money. The country figured it out.  



    Funny story we were watching traffic from balcony in China. A Con tried 

    this the police came..... and bitched slapped the Con and sent him on his way. 



    What do do you do when a car hits you (walking) in China? Run!

    I think they’ve got under better control now but some people said 


    Mindset was you hit someone back up and run them over again to make sure their dead. Its was cheaper for death than long time for person with disability. 


    Saw Law it happen to a baby once on news coverage. Very sad..


    but now I’m living in Thailand and I don’t know the history but almost

    positive Chinese taught them to drive 











  4. If you have a Thai drivers license it has your passport number.  If driving yourself or with

    others should be ok with a copy. If your email going by bus better carry your passport. I’ve seen

     many articles of buses being stopped for checks. 


    A year or or so ago I was stopped by police in rural town almost everyday I drove moto there. Was asked

    for drivers license (I have Thai) and sometimes car registration and  insurance. But never asked for passport in two years I’ve lived here. 

  5. I have a 2007 Harley Davidson Streetglide in US like new, new paint, new motor. Never wrecked.  Value in US @ $8500-9000 USD. Called several places in Thailand and had sticker shock to import to. HD BK told me to import would be almost same as buying new. New Streetglide is 1,800,000 Baht = $60,000 USD. 


    I rent big bikes in CM and called owner to find out more. Told me he wanted to buy some Triumphs to rent for the shop. Now that Thai builds domestically then the high import tax would be removed. 


    Nope...... now they add luxury tax. So I gave up on importing my Harley

    and hate to say sold it yesterday in US. 









    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. I bought one 2 years ago it worked really well I. The store (of course store was ac). It was one of the more expensive ones. It would not cool an 8 ft x 8 ft room. Used quite a bit of electricity. 


    Once put partically on top of the bed (next to the bed) still would not cool. 


    Bought wall mounted unit for partially the same price has worked well for 1-1/2 hrs. 


    Suggest ST you look for other options. Even in rental they may allow you to install there is not mud to the wall unit. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1- In US no. But this culture seems different. I should’ve checked before jumping in the pool. 

    2- I believe people make mistakes in their lives whether from poor upbringing, education etc. So they should be given a chance. 

    3- sure I suppose so.....


    I’ve been thinking of an exit plan. I’m the type that won’t take off without taking care of responsibilities. 


    The house,2 farms,9 cows, 1 car, 2 motos are paid for  it in my name so understood I just need to swallow the loss. 


    Another moto in my name I will take. 


    Any suggestion of a fair split would be appreciated. 



  8. Met her 2 years 4 months ago married (village marriage). 13 months ago. Before when we ( I ) were happy I didn’t ask much about where and who because she usually wasn’t gone very long. 


    One day before we were married she asked for money to cut hair. 

    I asked how much she said 300....only had 1000 bills.  She didn’t come back or call for 1 week. 


    Another incident she came home one morning still drunk and after a couple of more beers went in bathroom and drank toilet cleaner. 


    I noticed pink liquid coming out her mouth and told Mama. We took her to hospital. She was in hospital for 3 days and nights. They put her on meds which she is still on. 


    I stayed at hospital 3 days all day and night to make sure she was ok and if anything was needed. One night her sister said my girlfriends boyfriend (Thai) was coming to hospital and asked me please not cause  a fight. He a a male friend stayed for @ 1 hour sitting on bed. I was 2 meters away. 


    She got got out of hospital and towed the line. Made her go to doctors to check if crazy and they gave her meds which she takes today.


    3 weeks ago she stayed home 1 night and away 1 night. This was a total of 3 nights. I asked where and why she would not answer. 


    Her Mama and Papa live at our house. I give them 5000 baht a month 

    and buy food etc. 


    We have a modern 2 bedroom house w/master bath and most things as modern living..   house and land paid for. 2 cars 1 paid for other monthly

    pyments. 3 moto paid for. 


    Do i I stay and enjoy life as much as possible and ignore her crap? 


    leave knowing it’s a loss and forget about it. If so I will still live in Thailand. 


    I met met her in Pattaya and she was nice fun to be with and seemed 

    to be a good person. 


    She told me she worked at bar because family didn’t have money. Also 

    I found out one of her sisters was in jail for selling drugs with 4 year sentence. The sister is out now and is a pretty good person who is angry at sister for what she does to me. 


    A friend asked me if i if I read the book. I have read it now. It says all bar girls are required to learn English to say “I’m working bar because family not have money”. As well as other phrases 




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