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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. I was hoping it was temporary to get lines in place... A friend had house built ... . He loved to cook 

    and one thing wasn’t as he wanted.  His wife said it’s not a big deal leave it as is. He said ok leave it 

    like it is and every time I come home from work I’m going to bitch and complain to you... 


    She called contractor and made them correct the problem.....

    • Haha 1
  2. I’ve a son and daughter both early 40s living in the US. 4 grandchildren twins (boy and girl) 1 boy 1 girl.

    Kids as awesome and wish I’d have spent more time with them but was a workaholic...but nevertheless all good ... 


    I think the notion of having children to take care of you when your old is nonsense... Times are changing... I’m sure my children would take care of me if needed but the reason for having 

    them is to love them.. teach them the best you can about life .. get an education and are able 

    to stand in their if needed.


    Parents who think children will take care of them when old. ... give the best education 

    you can.. don’t let them be 14-15 years old out of school. If their truly your meal ticket educate

    them so you’ll have better meals... 



  3. It’s official – the maximum speed limit on 4-lane highways in Thailand has been increased to 120 kilometres per hour, with the new regulation published in the Royal Gazette yesterday. Previously 90 kilometres per hour, Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob says the increase in the maximum speed limit is aimed at improving the flow of traffic in line with conditions, while keeping road users safe.

    The new limit applies only to highways with 4 lanes or more (at least 2 lanes travelling in each direction, divided by barriers). In the case of roads with traffic signs that indicate minimum and maximum speeds, drivers must adhere to those limits when traffic conditions and other circumstances allow. The increased maximum limit will not apply to any roads that have intersections or U-turns. Nation Thailand has summarised the speed limit regulations based on vehicle type and taking the new speed limit into account:

    • Confused 1
  4. 15+ years I’ve only been asked once about hotel which was booked but I only wrote the name and city.. Onward ticket never asked.  If no client meetings shortly after arrival time d wear shorts, sport

    shirt and flip flops (sandals). Flying 1-1/2 million miles on business didn’t want to wear a suit. 


    Once had a meeting just off the HK Airport 2 hours after arrival and onward flight 3 hours after meeting.  Plan was clean up after 16 hour flight in Airport restroom. My luggage was lost .. called

    customer expained the situation shorts/sport golf type shirt.. that’s ok come to meeting.... most the HK folks were shirt and tie... they didn’t say anything.. .. if they did I could say... it’s your parent companies airline... 

  5. 5 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

    From the link:-


    "This group of friends had started their road trip in Bangkok, drove to Chang Mai to rent motorcycles to complete the 612km Mae Hong Son loop................had expected to complete this loop in a week, ended up completing it within five days instead'


    I have driven this fantastic and scenic loop by car, with many scary bends on the northern section, with an overnight stop in Mae Hong Son. It took me 2 days.

    If you are "big bike" enthusiasts, try it sometime.


    Heart to Beat #26 Mae Hong Son Loop (Thailand 1) - Pilotcycles.com

    It’s a great ride on motorcycles... saw a lot... great inexpensive hotels... big bike rentals in Chand Mai..

    if you like to ride should be on you to do list..

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    The best selection and variety of meat cold cuts, sausages and the like is on Nittayo Road at Cheese 2 Meat U, right next to the Post Office. I have also found some decent beef pastrami at Big C Nittayo

    Thanks for the tip I’ve always wanted to stop in there and now have a good reason. Your description of the new look is spot on.. Thanks 

  7. Was at the local VM in Udon Thani this week... looks like the deli section.. slice meats etc. is gone. They’ve moved things around and looks like reduction of offerings. Covid/Expats leaving or cutting back is my best guess... deli section was my favorite.. are others like BC cutting back.. Thanks 

    • Confused 3
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