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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. Maybe a food distribution center funded by the government geared for retirees / old folks so at least 

    their getting enough food essentials. Improved education system especially for the northeast ( I don’t know how other areas systems are. 

    from my personal experience our 14 year old boy will be out of school next year. Luckily we can afford to get a further education. There are a lot of children in the same boat. 

    my message to parents if they expect their children to take care of them at ol age.

    Give them the best education you can ….  maybe then life will be a little easier because 

    they have the opportunity for a better job …

  2. On 5/7/2022 at 6:56 AM, Inala said:

    Why do (some) grown and otherwise masculine men follow the feminine trait of wearing necklaces anyway?

    Mine was a gift from wife not extravagant 1 baht…. It has a temple lucky charm ( don’t know what there called). It’s always under the shirt and I don’t out walking about at 03:00 morning…. It attracts


    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Thailand the majority of the less expensive cars don’t have cabin heat.

    Up here in the NE one cold early early morning had to drive to Udon Thani I only had one light jacket

    and someone borrowed it and hadn’t brought it back. Was in a t-shirt no other warm clothes. Thought 

    that’s ok I’ll turn the heat on in the M-UX… looked and looked … where’s the fudducking heater switch..car was 6 months old.., it didn’t have one.. thought it was strange no heater but TIT… 

  4. All - I use the app on iPad almost daily and once got the same message as OP. My particular reason 

    Was I’ve two BBK bank accounts one is normal account and the other no atm, internet banking which

    Is used for US Social Security retirement deposit and defaults to this account. Quick click on other account and no issues. 

    on another note… paying PEA Provincial Electric Authority do you have to use PEA app? It won’t work 

    using QR code. Thanks 

  5. 9 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

    As you go into Udon Thani going past Makro, across from the football stadium there is a key maker that also does the remotes for cars.

    If he can do it, the price will be magnitudes less than a dealer.

    He's done replacement remotes for my gate several times.

    Thanks I’ll check it out

  6. 7 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Keys are a nightmare these days.  Not sure about Thailand but in the UK registered locksmiths have access to the blade numbers for most makes - they don't often have access to the immobiliser codes.  Some can be read once they are in the car but some are just about impossible. 12,000 (which is what I think you mean) is quite cheap for a dealer price compared to the UK where they start at 20,000 and can go to double that if you don't have a key to clone.


    I learned my lesson the hard way a long time ago - now I won't buy a secondhand car unless it has 2 working keys (always make sure they both work). If the seller cays they're available for 5000 and he'll knock that off the price - tell them you'll pay the extra 5000 and pick the car up with 2 keys.


    I'm interested that you say you can start the car in your yard?  Is this a car with a separate blade and fob?  If its fitted with an immobiliser then the transponder is either in the key or the fob is pretty close - otherwise you wouldn't be starting it. Fallen under the seat?


    Never tried but I'm pretty sure there will be some independent car locksmiths in Bangkok - Udon or KK, doubtful.


    Fobs and remotes for some Suzuki models can be reprogrammed as a DIY job - check out google before you go buying an unprogrammed replacement.  I've just checked on the websites of UK independent locksmiths and you might be in luck - it seems thay can gain access to the codes or reprogramme your lock barrel and ignition lock.  I know its UK but this site is useful for information:



    Thanks for the reply I’ll check it out. Sorry for the confusion …. Can not start car 

  7. Thanks for the replies. I bought in second hand 6 years ago .. asked if they had spare key .. unfortunately not. Called Suzuki dealer in UDT need to get police lost key report and a couple

    of other things.. book etc. I’m told some can do it for 12,0000 sounds expensive to me….


    luckily it’s used as spare car… had the keys hanging same place …. It he put it somewhere. 
    i suggested he find the key or get a job… family doesn’t understand what he should pay..


    anyway can’t dwell on it….  Thanks 

  8. Hello Members.  I’ve a 2012 Suzuki Swift and lost Key Fob with no extra fob. Anyone know a shop that can

    replace Key Fob in Udon Thani or Khon Kaen.and what estimated cost are. Can start the car which is in our yard. Thanks and appreciate the help. 

    555 I'm thinking of making a show “ Leave to Papa in law” or Mr. Empty pockets. 

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