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Posts posted by DJ54

  1. OP… just a suggestion… Don’t overly think about the price instead think of it as a special and enjoy the Experience… pick one Patricks or Beefeater… enjoy your meal and then decide if it was good value for the money. . always best to treat yourself sometimes…

    • Like 1
  2. Same in Kumphawapi market branch was open 7 days a week …. Closed in June. US social security 

    direct deposit BKBank is a special deposit account with no ATM or Internet access.

    When you need money must go to branch in person and in my case I transfer monies to another useable BKBank account …. So once a month trip to branch required…. It’s ok but a pain. 

    Only one BKBANK in the small town… next nearest branch 90 km away…. 


    • Like 1
  3. There were two branches in Kumphawapi the one inside lotuss was closed last month. Unfortunately 

    the remaining branch in town is only open M-F 08:30 - 16:00. Branch in market was open 7 days a week opened 10:30 and closed @ 17:00… 

  4. 4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    Unfortunately I was in a similar situation as you over twelve months ago.

    I use the income method for a retirement extension with the transfers being made towards the end of each month.

    Unfortunately due to a banking problem one payment was delayed by a day or two into the next month.

    Although the annual amount far exceeded what is needed I couldn’t show twelve monthly payments ( that is one each month) which Chiang Mai Immigration showing me the regulations insisted was needed.

    There was no flexibility but was easily fixed by the methods suggested by others in this thread.

    I have now changed the

    monthly payment date to the middle of each month.


    Same happened to me.Changed bank for direct deposit was delayed because it can take up to 2 months for US Social Security to make update. Missed a month and had 2 direct deposits payments the next month. UT understood but denied as rules are every month.

  5. Alright Rooster… good read…  but you can’t leave us hanging without the answer to crossword 

    puzzle….  Give it up.. I couldn’t figure … but your Brit and it could be some word us Americans 

    had to update to proper spelling….. like going to the Import store and trying to figure out what Brits call biscuits….. don’t y’all Brits get riled up it all in good humor… I think 555.


    Went to the Australian Airshow years ago… mini van with 6 Brit’s 1 American me… ride back and forth

    to show 4 days… 4 were former RAF and all liked to talk <deleted> to the lone American. Stories of 

    putting the back door down on Hercules C1 push beer out to get cold. Actually had a lot of fun and

    kept my trap shut on the ride back and forth … then last day going back let them have it… they laughed their asses off wondering when I kick back… I was a good beer drinker those days so 

    helped get a little respect….

    My ex wife could handle herself and keep up drinking  Miller lite … but in OZ had some Stella Artois 

    one of the guys says think your wife’s passed out on the couch…. Wasn’t the same <deleted> as US… 

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