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Posts posted by Mossfinn

  1. HIV would be a much bigger problem as it is not curable (at the moment). This would mean a spouse could face permanent exclusion if visa rejection was linked to a positive test.



    The extremes of contagion, one needs actual physical contact, the other needs proximity. If anyone were to suggest, and I am not for a moment inferring that you are, that anything but clear health can be paramount in justifying inclusion, then Heaven help the ones outside of a terrifying health regimen.

  2. I am young handsome and have a fantastically beautiful Thai girlfriend who earns more than I do.


    Out of the four descriptors, one is almost certainly true, one probably true, and two outrageously spinning a yarn into a ball of wool. laugh.png


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    I am young handsome and have a fantastically beautiful Thai girlfriend who earns more than I do.

    I don't do polls.


    Didn't you forget to add that you're known for bending the truth so now and then ?



    I prefer to call it, 'spinning a yarn'. tongue.png

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  4. The 70 yo has probably been winding folk up all his life,not bothered if he get's a smack or not!!!...It's not difficult to do ,just cast off with a few leading statements ,there's always some fool willing to bite.whistling.gif

    You're like the travelling wildebeest.

    I was thinking of the Travelling Wilburry's, but then perhaps not...............

    • Like 2
  5. Then again you could use Pascals Wager, put simply............

    Given the possibility that God actually does exist and assuming an infinite gain or loss associated with belief or unbelief in said God (as represented by an eternity in Heaven or in Hell, a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.).

    taken from Wiki, because the overall wager is a might harder to understand

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  6. Remember, that certain spices have anti microbial additives, these include garlic, cloves, lemon, but strangely not chilli!

    And in medieval Ireland & England spices were used to cover the taint of spoiled meat, but with spices costing much more than the meat, that is a myth, but a good story all the same.

    I think it is a balance between Jake and lanna, they are brought up with the bugs and have immunity, however if Lanna is correct, they are preserving a long term effect resulting in rather disastrous consequences.

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  7. OK guys, I am not the spelling police, just having a chuckle.

    And yes, my experience is different, people the world over are different, but in many ways, 'same, same but different'. If you dance with the Devil, it is hard to let go and you will be burned, try breaking the spears, negativity, gloom and tired old repeated doom sayers, and perhaps you will be surprised, and that smile, maybe, just maybe, is exactly what it looks like, and is just a smile.

    Also remember, you can't be ripped off without your knowledge and understanding, so if you are ripped off, it is your fault, stop looking for scape goats and excuses for your own stupidity.

  8. I agree, in the western media, you do not see the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, or the human remains of suicide bombers, or the remote destruction of a sidewinder or a raptor and selfies on facebook, absolutely not old boy.

    You're a class apart boys, a class apart, well done, well done.

  9. "A smile in Asia can convey happiness or sadness, regret or anticipation, triumph or embarrassment, warmth or wikidness."

    -Seth Mydans (Int'l Herald Tribune)

    I was just wondering, apart from bringing Wikipedia into the fray, is there any difference any where else in the World?

  10. Hmmm this is a tricky question. OK I will try and give it a shot. Let's say hypothetically that you went

    to visit a perfect country. Say it was full of smiling friendly people, nobody ever cheated you, and every

    time you visited the country you had the time of your life . Nobody would speak badly about such a

    country. Now let's say hypothetically you went to visit another country, and people kept trying scams on you,

    lady-boys kept trying to pickpocket you, the police keep trying ways to get money from you for imagined

    offenses, the friends you know there got cleaned out by evil bar girls, or were drugged and robbed, and the

    newspapers are full of stories of the local men going berserk over trivial matters and killing tourists .....

    What do you think people would speak about when referring to this place ?? Good or bad ??

    So in my opinion that fact that so many people refer to Thailand poorly means something is wrong.

    I personally am here for the mangoes, and have little interest in Thai society at large. I do like to keep

    up on the news and crime so I know what to avoid..... :-)

    Now lets see

    and people kept trying scams on you,

    The scams that have been tried on me were non-Thai and although chatted up by ladyboys, my pockets are intact, am yet to be scammed by the Police, being cleaned out by the evil beauties, well hence my post in regard (partly) to poor purchasing habits, drugged and robbed, survived so far and nowhere else in the world do people go berserk.

    However your quote, knowing what to avoid is purely a risk assessment, your safe operating procedures and hazard analysis is commendable, I do the same and apart from food poisoning, my hazard radar was on the blink, and having low immunity, was very unwell (several occasions), but on the whole as the man said who fell from a seven story building, so far so good.

  11. Because a lot of people are a little limited in intelligence

    People have been burned by the wrong people and have grouped all in the same bracket

    Poor purchasing habits

    Want to make their little bit of ( choose) in SE Asia and are upset when they find it is a different culture

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  12. OMG, you must not have visited either place, in order to have developed such a serious eye disorder.....attachicon.gif

    Until you've been physically threatened by the tuk-tuk mafia in Phuket, for instance, (as I have)...

    Or charged outrageous songthaew charges to go a few kilometers (as I have)...

    Or chased off the beach by turf-guarding beach-chair kings who saw you sitting too close to their territory (as I have)...

    Or have been the victim of double-standard pricing (as I have)...

    (shall I go on?)

    .......you have no grounds for painting such a rosy picture.

    I posit that the online complaints are but a fraction of the actual predatory practices on tourists in both places.

    well, 1 out of four for me, well done, ( change........... after me with the chorus.......)

  13. Again, you have some major logic gaps. How did we go from TV's seven million views to the price of Google stock?

    You assume that people actively researching Thai-reputation-related information will surpass the laws of replication of word-of-mouth (in this day and age, we extend "word of mouth" to also include electronic transmission of ideas from individual-to-individual).

    I believe you have need of some basic education in marketing principles which include the replication principle. Replication is powerful. It's a statistical axiom. Google it.

    but it depends on who's doing the replicating and who's doing the listening, if they are fat, bald, tattooed and holiday in Pattaya, telling me how great the bars are, i am afraid I ain't listening.

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