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Derek B

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Posts posted by Derek B

  1. 11 hours ago, RobbyXNorway said:

    It is unfortunate that our (I'm Norwegian) young ladies are so naive about the world outside Scandinavia. Many believe that they can handle themselves and are "on par" with men if it comes to physical confrontations. Which is not true.


    So, ladies, please dont go alone. And dont get stupid drunk or high. Take care of yourself. It's a crazy world out here.


    Hope they catch the scumbag and crucify him.

    Norwegian media naive to then...........and dont consider such events as rape in the sunshine newsworthy.

    It's a fact Scandinavians along with manys others drink to excess when presented with cheap drinks.


  2. 11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Who on earth gets involved with someone online, and starts sending them money, without getting to know them first? What is the problem here? The biggest part of the problem here, is the extreme emasculation that is taking place in the West. Most men, in the US, Europe, and Oz, are no longer real men, when it comes to dealing with their women. Their women have made their lives so difficult, and alot of women have gotten so far away from their innate femininity, and have become dominant, and super controlling, and men just go along with it. Most men have become so hungry for love, or emotionally desperate for some kindness, and TLC. And most are so desirous of being around a real woman, who knows how to act like a woman, and manifest the dignity, within femininity. So, it is easy for the con artists, like this worm Jariyaporn, to take advantage of emotionally wounded men, who seem to be willing to do anything to regain a semblance of normality in their lives, with a decent woman. 


    Always remember, if it is good, it is only going to get better. If there are problems, or The bottom line is this. Take your time getting to know a woman here, or anywhere. Do not consider a pen pal on the internet to be a girlfriend. This is sheer insanity. 


    Time is your ally. It is rarely their ally. They are usually trying to step up the timetable. We need to push back. We need to assert control. An environment like this allows us to do so. Take advantage of that. Be a man. Step up. Pay tribute to the gender. Refuse to lay down anymore. Refuse to be a doormat. Refuse to check your cajones at the door. Start making the decisions, and stop saying "honey what do you want?" all the time. When a woman says up to you, take charge. I have so many friends, who come here, and from the very start, make the same mistakes they made back in the West. Except here, they do not need to make those mistakes. The environment does not dictate that they behave like lambs. Many do not know, or realize that, or they succumb to "force of habit". Every ship needs a captain. If the man is not willing to be the captain of the ship, the woman will take over, here in Thailand. Most women here seem to want a strong man. They prefer that. But, if they end up with a wimp, they will take charge. Someone has to.


    Remember, if she is a big baby, who only looks like a real woman, but in reality is a 13 year old, or if she is a con artist, if she is only in it for the money, those realizations will manifest themselves over time. Time allows clarity. Never, ever move too quickly. That is the undoing of most of these guys. Be like Bond. be a real man. Man up. Do yourself proud. 



    "Man up"..............does that mean we can slap them back? Just asking.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, RobbyXNorway said:

    350.000 baht? Well he got off lucky ????


    I racked up an account of about 2,8 million so far. We live, we learn....hopefully. I cant say its money down the drain though.


    There should be a 2 hours school session for every foreigner landing at Suvarnabhumi about the honeytraps here in Thailand.

    I think most guys wake up around the 3 million mark which tends to coincide with an awareness of ever increasing difficulty of partying at will else where......

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, RobbyXNorway said:

    350.000 baht? Well he got off lucky ????


    I racked up an account of about 2,8 million so far. We live, we learn....hopefully. I cant say its money down the drain though.


    There should be a 2 hours school session for every foreigner landing at Suvarnabhumi about the honeytraps here in Thailand.

    .....and handed a copy of "Private Dancer"..........fiction based on facts.

  5. 20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    You kinda have to wonder, why they never seem to promote from within Immigration, which like any Thai govt agency is rife with deputy commanders of all sorts....


    They seem to have a habit of sending someone in from outside... in this case.... like BJ, someone who apparently has absolutely no prior working experience within the Immigration Bureau.

    However he does have Border Patrol Police experence...........kind of Immigration related I would say.


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  6. 5 hours ago, Brickbat said:

    There is a solution , as usual, shown by westerners, as to proper burning method that yields no smoke and creates an end product that can be fertiliser. 

    But dopey nation . The 1% top dogs care just for their stranglehold on the dopey 99% who are incapable of thinking.


    This disgusting situation does not bother them . Short time, sometime, Mai pen rai , rain come soon, bleat bleat bleat, baaa baaa baaa

    Will that method work in a sugar cane field?

    Will that method work to reveal mushrooms easier?

    Will that method only work on a rice field?

  7. 44 minutes ago, TSF said:

    My 5-year Thai d/l was due to expire last year while I was holidaying in Hua Hin. I got a residency cert (1000Bt) using the address of the guesthouse I was at. The following day (a Friday) I renewed my d/l and 3 days later, on Monday morning, I checked out and off I went.

    Presumably you have to be in the same province as when you obtained your D/L?

  8. 1 hour ago, shaurene said:

    I live in Khon Kaen district in a large village outside the city. My wife and I have been married and lived in the village for 11 years, she was born in the village. She is very truthful and never lies to me

    i i asked her has any one offered money etc to the villagers to vote. She said No Never. And I believe this to be true.

    Maybe so in terms of cash............unrealistic offers of better facilities & public services in their specific location most probably are mentioned as in most elections.

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