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Derek B

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Posts posted by Derek B

  1. 5 hours ago, Will27 said:

    I don't think the OAP meets the financial requirements anyway.


    I'd suggest most of the Aussies would have more than just the pension.


    6 hours ago, TSF said:

    Looks like all farang living in Thailand on annual extensions will now need to have the 400K & 800K THB in a Thai bank account in order to continue living in Thailand. Now, just wait and see if next year they'll double the required sums. I've been expecting it for a couple years now, but it'll happen because they want you gone.

    They need us - we spend money that goes straight into families in local communities - without us alot of poor people are going to get a nasty surprise.

  2. On 3/17/2014 at 11:08 AM, delh said:

    They weren't too concerned about pouring the concrete onto the steel mesh and having that next to the sand base - useless there.

    I had to insist they keep lifting it with their rubber boot clad toes as they spread the concrete out. (My 20 years in construction useful at last).

    They just don't care.

    I seen that happen before on a friends construction project ..............apparently they learn all their skills on the job. Steel mesh feeble - delivered rolled up. Columns had re-bar touching the shuttering too.

    Best to get a hard headed English speaking female "Clerk of Works" and pay her well by local standards.

  3. On 12/21/2016 at 11:01 AM, mikecwm said:

    Hi Grumpy.

    Cabin with decks and kitchen cost us 500,000 B.

    Concrete base was about 80,000, but if we had more time in Thailand we could have got that done much cheaper (flying visit from Canada at the time).

    Shower / toilet room cost 100,000. Ditto re costs for that as well.

    They have a good selection of cabins on display on the west side of route 21 about 5 km south of Si Thep in Petchabun province.


    Retired and living in the cabin we supervised a crew during 2016 to build us a 12M by 12 M workshop and a house.

    Workshop cost about 400k, house cost just over 2 million.



    Nice photos...........Can you provide google map link to location quoted as "route 21 about 5 km south of Si Thep in Petchabun province."?


  4. 2 minutes ago, Donaldo said:

    the more I read, the happier I am am with my decision not to have retired in Thailand.


    2 minutes ago, Donaldo said:

    Absolutely right, and the more I read, the happier I am am with my decision not to have retired in Thailand. I think a lot of foreigners would also choose a different country to go to if they had to choose again. But once they have "invested" whatever they have in properties that don't belong to them they have little choice as trying to make the best of it. And what I agree with whole heartedly is the fact that Thai's should be treated exactly the same way when abroad, whatever their status.


    2 minutes ago, Donaldo said:

    the happier I am am with my decision not to have retired in Thailand.

    If you do not mind me asking where did you decide to retire to?

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    The immigration bureau is yet to speed up the establishment of the foreigners' biometric identification database, the immigration screening system, and linking the visa information system electronically at all immigration units to enable immigration officials to access a centralized information which includes the information about visas from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, information about a residency report by the Ministry of Interior, and information about the accommodation of tourists by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. 

    So what are they looking at on their screens at the airport if not a fully integrated data base?

  6. 21 hours ago, colinneil said:

    British embassy are a total waste of space.


    I tend to agree from past experiences. GOV.UK and Home Office in particular are too bogged down in bureaucracy of their own making. Most embassies do have a mission statement but they remain self serving departments at heart.

    I got robbed in Egypt in 1981 ran out of cash but still had my passport - UK Embassy just said to contact a family member to wire out funds - in 1981 that was not so readily achievable.

    Last year I tried to get local Thai gf a visitor visa (ha ha ha) and did not use an agency to write a long winded fake account of our relationship. Upon receipt of application we received an outright rejection stating what I had offered as support etc etc was highly unprobable and that our cohabitation as per my amended condo agreement looked falsified which it did but was not. The point being any uncertainty on this and several other issues was not followed up with a single email or phone call there was simply not the will to validate the detail in the application. I think there are guidelines issued to BKK Embassy examining officers which have not been made public - a hidden agenda so to speak.


    A bit off point - As with most things relating to membership of the EU after all these years there remains no common approach to Embassy/Consulate assistance. 

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  7. On 10/5/2018 at 7:54 AM, The Deerhunter said:

    All these guys that have asked for advice on this forum over the years about buying a house here with a nominee and been told by so many that it was not really legal no matter who tells them, and not to do it.  Big Joke has not said he is going after corrupt illegal home ownership, YET!!!   But imagine being deported and in worst case scenario banned, after spending X million baht to buy a house that some legal local person now owns and possesses the important 51% of.  Not a good situation to be in.  Possibly always waiting for a knock on the door.

    How is home ownership an immigration issue?

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