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Derek B

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Posts posted by Derek B

  1. On 9/19/2018 at 3:17 PM, Ossy said:

    Why? . . . Do you think they had a clue what they were doing? If the English Cave Rescue Organisation (CRO) had been properly asked for help, let's say by midday (Thai time; 6am UK) next day, Sunday, they'd have had a dozen expert cave divers or more, plus full gear, there by the Monday, with more to follow if called, and only needed the SEALs for portage and pumping. As it was, just 2 UK divers and a rescue logistics expert got there by Wednesday and that was with Thai officialdom 'running' the show. And with the utter chaos that followed, those kids can now thank their lucky stars they're back, playing footie, again. 23 jun to 19 sep, 3 weeks of which underground … that's a full 2 months that the Prayuth gang exploited these poor kids for.


    Yes, let's see an official report . . . should be interesting.


  2. 2 hours ago, sebastion said:

    What did Vern do that was heroic?
    All he did was give experience of his previous adventures into the cave. He didn't put scuba gear on and enter the cave.

    Hero's are the ones that went in. Not pontificating outside.

    Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

    By all accounts it was an heroric effort by all involved - not everyone had to enter the cave to provide a valuable contribution.               

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    musk has some mental issues not sure if he could admit to that and use it in his defence somehow.

    with regards vern, he did bring the right guys to the cave and deserves praise, should have slated muskies sub a little more subtle but didn't deserve the response he got, especially the second time.

    so he'll get an elite visa which will be handy for him but as he is no doubt on retirement visa all that really gives him is a few less hours each year doing his extension.

    63 years old. couple of million USD from a guy as rich and obnoxious as musk, i'd bloody sue him too and enjoy the rest of my days basically. won't get the chance again

    Dont forget no long queues at immigration elite are fast tracked.

  4. 4 hours ago, harrry said:

    It should be made clear that product ( an inflatable stretcher) is not the rigid cylindrical metal tube he bought to Thailand.

    I would like to see more of the actual kit used in the rescue including the pumping units - the logistics of the operation were massive. I guess there will be an official report in due course - from the Navy Seals perhaps.

    • Haha 1
  5. 18 hours ago, Toknarok said:

          This man runs a dog shelter in Ban Kruat in Southern Buriram Province.I cannot remember his name but I think he is Austrian.

          The shelter is a charity supported but donations from overseas.

           At any one time the place holds about 150 stray and abandoned animals. The dogs are kept for a couple of weeks and if a home cannot be found for them they are euthanised.

    Just too many soi dogs on the go with no natural prediture other than the traffic.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

    Agree 100%!

    Also, some people cannot afford beef,chicken or pork.

    Cats and dogs are just as tasty - and freely available in every soi.

    In India - they eat rats. In Esaan they eat rats, 

    In Thailand they eat snas, scorpions, insects. In Cambodia - Spiders

    China/HK, Korea they eat dog.

    In France, they eat horse

    In Japan they eat dolphins, Minke whales and seals

    In Canada, (or around there), they cull seals by the thousand - bludgeoning them to death with clubs.... don't they? 

    In Australia they eat Kangaroo

    In the Mediterranean, they eat octopus, shark and swordfish

    In Africa - they eat what they can get. Monkey, elephant, crocodile

    Why are the verminous, vicious canines thought to be exempt. 

    Cheap food and easily found. Butchered or not.They provide food.


    BBQ'd is best. Cat tastes just like rabbit.



    ....and in survival situations humans have eaten humans......not to mention the victors in primative tribal warfare consuming the defeated.

  7. 8 hours ago, kannot said:

    ill take that bet


    9 hours ago, Thian said:

    Ferrari could also give a free drivingcourse to all carowners...stories like this give the brand a bad name..And no doubt this was to blame to the driver, who sais he was thai anyway?



    I thought that Ferrari & other High Performance car dealerships did offer instruction to customs on how to handle their vehicles. Perhaps not in Thailand as they might incur a liability if driver error causes an accident.   

  8. On 8/5/2018 at 4:06 AM, MaxYakov said:

    My Bangkok name is "ATM". Adopted after one of my gals indicated concern that I might think that she considered me an ATM (in the same SMS asking me to deposit 1000 baht into her bank account). The satire of my telling them my adopted name is completely lost on them. This should not surprise anyone, I suppose.

    May I ask why a photo of a submarine as profile pic?


  9. On 7/10/2018 at 9:12 AM, arithai12 said:

    -if your pension is not taxed at the origin, but rather you have declared that you are subject to Thai taxation, then:

    a) if you transfer the money in the same year in which you earn it, then you are subject to pay tax in Thailand

    b) otherwise, tax free in Thailand

    Some countries of origin will require not just your word for it, but some proof such as e.g. a Thai Tax number, whether you use it or not.

    Now, in case a) above, it is your choice and initiative to go and declare your pension income and pay tax on it. 

    For b) to work I would have to have a deposit account somewhere to first receive the pension funds into and then maintain a balance equivalent to one full years pension payments year in year out.

    With regards to para a) generally speaking pensions are regarded as taxable income however the rate of tax applied maybe zero % for retirees (as it is in Portugal for the first 10 years) whereas earnings from employment, capital gains & rentals are a different scenario.

    So my question now is if you bring your monthly or quarterly non-UK based pension income into Thailand as soon as it becomes payable will you be subject to Thai tax at 7% or perhaps 0% if you obtain a Thai tax ID number?

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