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Jeremia Juxtaposed

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Posts posted by Jeremia Juxtaposed

  1. 28 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    It was a figure of speech, i.e. go on holidays with your mates, leave one behind, if you were going to get rid of him, any questions, all anyone would have to say is, we last saw him when he went to go back to the hotel.


    I mean, no one would ask about him in Thailand because they wouldn't know he was missing, back in China it would be hard to investigate, probably fell in love and decided to stay, another overstayer as far as Thailand would be concerned, people disappear all the time overseas.

    Of course you are correct in that sense but a stabbing and killing outside the Phet hotel from the nightclub wouldn't have carried any news because it happens so often  ....and certainly wouldn't have been news worthy for Thaivisa..


    Unless you are an undercover journalist investigating the illegal exportation of hazardous goods to Africa.....Nah!  

  2. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    The perfect dumping ground, that is until the body surfaced in the bag.


    I hope it was a quick death. RIP

    Why is it a perfect dumping ground?


    OK , The river around that "island" was dredged about 10 years ago to remove silt and improve river flow but it was always gonna get caught up some where there ...The next bridge down would have been better. Faster river flow and less eyes...

    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Most guys came to Thailand because it was cheap although many guys on here pretend otherwise. They also came for the women but again many guys on here pretend they don't pay for it

    Everybody I know came here to work. I arrived in '96 from Jakarta as a PM in Bangkok ...You need to widen your circle of friends if most of the people you know only came here because it was cheap and only came for the women. Unless of course you are talking about people that you have never met or spoken to.

    • Confused 2
  4. 18 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    I was watching a program the other night where they were discussing "Pokemon Go" and the CIA. An interactive game on the phone, actually funded by the CIA (apparently) and uses thousands of unwitting participants and the data they see etc. They had all these location points placed directly near foreign embassies and so on, interesting to watch but how much is fact how much is artistic licence, the viewer can decide.

    If it were possible to extrapolate Government agencies' misinformation and technology available at that point from WWII, through to what I know happened in the 80s, through 9/11, through the Gulf Wars to the obvious newspeak of today I don't doubt any of it.

    I would go as far as to say that some of the more bizarre "conspiracy" theories are placed on Social Media by somebody wishing to make the more credible theorists look barmy!

  5. 10 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Dont have to wonder, ots probably in your pocket on near you right now..........the mobile phone, that tracks everywhere you go, camera and microphone that can be activated remotely, drive you nuts if you go into that rabbit hole ????

    One of the main differences between Analogue and GSM is that Analogue phones reacted to the Base Station Sig channel whereas GSM phones were more proactive in that they actively reported signal strength etc etc bla bla to the Base Station and during call set up. Having said that, when I commisioned and integrated analogue sites, part of Integration testing was to call 999 and confirm your location on the bottom of their screen.

    Now then, I admit to being a stickler on this, but I still believe that GSM stands for Group Speciale Mobile which was the European group set up to establish common protocols. So my summary is that even using the old black brick phones "they" knew your location....Then with GSM it became more accurate......All of this with European technology (Motorola was based in Swindon not Chicago despite what the yanks pretended).

    Your phone's location has ALWAYS been easy to track since the late 80s.... But 4G and 5G will allow, anybody that pays, access to far more than just your location.

    Leave your phone in your trouser pockets ladies and gentlemen or you could be appearing in Pornhub Amateur small penis videos .....

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, CGW said:

    Point taken! how about replacing "infancy" with cheap and affordable?

    Computers have been around since 1946? but they have only become "affordable" in the past twenty years or so. Relevant to the development they are still in their infancy even now as I see it.

    The biggest thing with CCTV is being able to use the information, software has only been available in recent years that make mass surveillance possible though no doubt the military have had advanced systems for many years, which goes part way to explaining the huge costs that the military industrial complex incurs year on year.

    Have to wonder what they are working on now that will help them control and herd the masses? :wink:

    I'm sure if we knew what was being planned for us? most of us would indeed be "shocked" :shock1:

    I think the key is the distance from which we can be monitored, in what detail and the method used (body heat etc)....Shocking indeed ...!!!

  7. 36 minutes ago, CGW said:

    CCTV and all the paraphernalia that goes with it is in its infancy, if you don't understand that it is being and that the ultimate aim is that it will be used to "control" people your being very naive. ????

    The social divide continues to increase, the ultra rich have plenty of money to invest in their long term security, don't want the "peasants" revolting - again!

    Look how CCTV is being abused in Hong Kong, where they are not even trying to hide the fact that the "Police" in plainclothes are initiating the violence.

    If those in power that are putting these systems to "use" were even vaguely trustworthy................................................. :w00t:


    I agree with everything except the word "infancy"..

    I did a Heli Tele course at Marconi, Chelmsford in the late 70s before getting posted to NI. I was heavily involved in monitoring the Hunger Strike riots of the early 80s. Even at that time it was easy for the equipment to pick out an individual face in the crowd from the chopper, although it needed some manoevering skill.In the late 80s I served out my final 3 years with "The Det" and I can assure you that if you think CCTV is now in its infancy you would be shocked at what was being done then.....

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    The point was 2-ways. You can't force someone to connect to something that doesn't exist. So when you make it mandatory, you're forced to do your part and actually build that. I could not believe anyone would encourage dumping raw sewage into canals, roadside flood drains or directly into the sea.

    Of course you are correct but blaming local communities is just wrong!

    My house and all my neighbours have our own underground septic "tanks" with overflow into the drainage system which becomes a problem in rainy season (I shan't describe it). I know that if there were sewage pipes run in down our street we would all connect to it........!!!!!


    But what I will openly say...If a connected entrepreneur wants to make a fortune in Pattaya, buy a couple of shit sucking trucks and run them in direct competition with the Government one(s)

  9. 5 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

    Why urging them? Make it a law. Fine them if they don't do it.

    Every condo/hotel building is EIA approved by law so of course there is sufficient infrastructure to handle waste according to law......Oh ...it is the smaller communities that are at fault.??? ..y'know, the ones that were there before the high rises were built.....Ah yes I get your point...

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