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Jeremia Juxtaposed

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Posts posted by Jeremia Juxtaposed

  1. 5 minutes ago, mugaly said:

    Toast is so passe.  I guess you could say toast is "toast".  Baked beans???Yecchhhh., absolutely disgusting! 

    Rice is the future, so if you cannot eat it, best return home!

    Am I being avant garde by suggesting that you can enjoy them both but at different meal times..??

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    It's a myth. It's origin is anti-Chinese racism in the USA. There are no health issues with MSG. It enhances flavor the same as using shiitake mushrooms adds umami flavor. I would never make a special request about MSG because I can tell a myth from reality. 



    I have always thought that the symptoms described by the original anti MSG movement in the States was caused by Chinese rice wine (think seesip degree + old spice aftershave).....

  3. 1 minute ago, Tchooptip said:

    We do not share the same values, but it's the least of my worries considering that it is the case of millions of humans! You give your opinion and I give mine it stops there.

    Exactly!! One Billion people believe that they are actually eating and drinking the body and blood of somebody that lived 2,000 years ago...


    This idiot believed that the same bloke is next to him on a Sunday morning which is a more palatable (whoops!) option..

  4. 11 minutes ago, thaiflyer1 said:

    Just Been To Siamsburys he has 2 varieties of scandanavian spread a salami one and a blue cheese one on special at 99 baht down from 249 baht (be at sell by).........never tried them so cant say what they are like.........picture below of the salami one.....only had 5 or 6 of each on offer


    Let me know what you think - I am at a loose end on Saturday and I need the exercise..

  5. 17 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    Allowing oppression over the weak by the religious cults is a proof of intelligence? No, it's not.


    If we don't protect the weak and the vulnerable, who are we?


    Agree.They prey on the weak and vulnerable..!!


    OK the American and African TV Evangelists are intelligent ...intelligent fraudsters...!!!


    Bring on the crocs I say!!!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

    Respect for the spiritual beliefs of others, I do not say to share them of course, is a proof of intelligence and culture. It is obvious that most of the big beef are unable to understand it and this since the dawn of time.:coffee1:

    Referring to my earlier post:-


    Going into an African river that could possibly have crocodiles is stupid


    Believing that you are somehow protected by a God is arrogance


    I respect the right for everybody to believe anything they want but I certainly won't respect their beliefs ...That would be impossible as so many beliefs contradict each other..


    But the Pastor is happy now in the Kingdom of Heaven and he left us with a smile on our faces..What more could a Pastor want..






  7. 2 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    I buy the tins of Mackerel in tomato sauce take them out of the tomato sauce and replace it with chilli sauce, then mash them until it's just like a runny paste and spread on toast, sometimes with added chilli powder on top.  One small tin will cover about 8 slices of toast.  Only problem is I'm eating way too much bread.

    At first glance it may look like a red wall of tinned fish in tomato sauce but if people took one pace forward and looked they will see..Sardines and mackerel in



    spicy tomato



    black pepper

    green curry ( not recommended for toast!!!)


    and probably more that have slipped my mind..but for 15 to 20 baht its worth the risk of trying a few...My cat doesn't seem to mind if some taste crap!!!

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    And a choice of 20+ brands. Bizarre. Very hard to find sardines in oil and no Tesco near me sells them in oil. And the price is four times the price of the UK so I usually bring a few tins back with me.

    Ayam brand does them I think.


    Anyways I have seen Ayam brand in Big C and Tops...

  9. 11 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

    Just bought yumi's from big c, because it was in the near expiry fridge as I think too expensive at 179 Bht for 200 gram, and I kinda liked it.


    They have at least 4 different choices, baked eggplant which I bought, avocado and 2 more choices.


    It seems to be a dip, but I use it as a spead, nah



    Shhhh ... don't tell everybody about the discount fridge at Big C....It's where I buy my runny  Camembert (I don't care how <deleted>(king runny it is!!) ...Great on toast!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, billd766 said:

    I make my own pate with pigs liver as I don't like chicken livers.


    It tastes great with a good slug of brandy in the mix.

    Pigs liver is the only liver with taste IMO.


    Sometimes though you get ducks liver in Big C cheaper than chickens liver. It has a slightly stronger taste and I add it into my stuffing mix...


    • Like 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    I bought it from Siam's before as well as the Salmon paste. Threw it all out, it's tasteless and bloody horrible! They must have bought a job lot of the stuff because no one else wanted it. Thanks for the suggestion though.

    Same same ....Now then, if they were to get a job lot of Shipphams' pastes I'd sprint up that bloody hill...!!!

    • Like 1
  12. 35 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

    No need, looks like there is one.....

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

    Yep and it is in the "General Topics" forum not the "Isaan Forum" nor "Western Food in Thailand" forum..

  13. 1 minute ago, dick turpin said:

    Kraft Mayo the only decent European style mayo. 

    I've tried Hellmens here when trying to recreate currywurst, chips, mayo and zenf but it just didn't taste the same...

  14. 1 minute ago, mogandave said:


    Uh-oh, here come the Sizzler haters...

    You couldn’t find your own cow?

    There pumpkin salad is good as well...


    Now I am really confused....What have I said about sizzlers..??


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