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Jeremia Juxtaposed

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Posts posted by Jeremia Juxtaposed

  1. 3 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Whose got September, 2018 in the pool for the first tourist to fall through? 


    I'd like that square if nobody has it yet.




    Mmmmm .....  I remember seeing the cracks in the Tak dam that was widely reported in the Thai news some years ago......I reckon the dam will go before the new pier - but September seems a fair bet that somebody is gonna get an unwanted soaking.....

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 hours ago, weegee said:

    I need a new Lawn mower !!!...I would like the "Ferris" Ride on with the Aircon Cab...All donations will be gladly appreciated, to make an Old Fella happy......?

    I need money for my stepson because living in the village is very expensive...... so I bought myself a high powered motorcycle.  (Sorry, but somebody had to say it....)

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    I like wine because it pairs well with meats and cheeses. Very rarely drink it without a meal.

    Totally agree ...I am not being flippant when I say I prefer wine more whilst preparing food......especially the veggies..rather than during.But that could just be that my cooking is crap.....probably because of how much I drink in the preparation phase......

  4. 36 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

    Any opinions on a wine fruit juice mix you can buy here called Very Pamp..Its a rose wine with juice..You can buy 3 liters in a box for 380 baht...10% alcohol.....It comes in a redish box with a big grapefruit on the label..

    I was drinking laughing bird but was getting tired of the price increasing every few weeks it seems.

    Very Pamp was better than I thought it would be but dont get me wrong I am not saying its good just slightly ok..

    I'm interested..!!


    Where did you buy it..???

  5. 24 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    If they had a contract stating that in paying they trust that they are receiving factual information then they could, otherwise it would be next to impossible.

    Yeh!.......I treat all information by Pattaya YT Vloggers the same as "A bloke down the pub said ......."       but you will always see somebody buy him a beer...Sucker or not it is their choice...

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

    Some people watching some vlogs feel that they have gained something valuable and want to compensate the creator for their hard work, its hardly rocket science.  If you don't feel that you should then don't, that is the thing with voluntary donations, they are voluntary. 

    I have never really thought about it this way before so I'm just flicking a pebble into the water ..


    If a person gives money but the information is wrong or intentionally misleading could they get their money back + losses incurred..??




  7. 38 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Sorry you do not see the connection between eating an English breakfast and this OP. You did say you knew no one who ate it more than twice a month, yet my reference to Saudi Arabia mentioned several who ate it regularly. There have also been a post or two on this forum which claim they eat the English breakfast regularly. You, as I recall, are the one who brought-up prices as if that was a concern with eating the English breakfast. 


    So, I don't see how your comment is bugger all relevant; especially your reference to your bank account.

    My initial response was within the scope of the "Pattaya Expat" in the subject title and within the confines of the "Pattaya Forum" which hosts this thread. If a broader net had been cast then, like you, I would know hundreds that eat that on a daily basis.. 


    Anyways, Sorry for being crasse mentioning my bank account but I took umbrage to your assumption that I couldn't afford anything as expensive as a Full English breakfast and thus only ate cheap thai food. Again I am sorry for that but as I replied earlier - it was for information only..

  8. 24 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Not sure the fact you do not know anyone who eats an English breakfast more than twice a month makes it true for everyone. I spent some time in Saudi Arabia at a camp with an English breakfast available. Many of the workers there had that breakfast regularly. Perhaps, people like you who apparently want to spend as little as possible for breakfast may change their breakfast preferences, if the English breakfast was free.


    Haha I mentioned the price for information only. I also have cheesey scrambled eggs washed down with 2 Jamaican coffees in Gaffe just up from Tucom occasionally ..


    I have been a telecomms contractor Worldwide since '92 but I see bugger all relevance how much money I have in the bank has to do with a subject on what a Pattaya Expat has for breakfast - much the same as eating breakfast  in Saudi has bugger all to do with it..

  9. 8 minutes ago, gwynt said:

    My G.Mother would not have known what the were or where to buy them.

    My mother made her own stock from bones and herbs from the garden.

    But then I'm an old fart so I am going back a bit.

    That is very true ( making stock I mean, not you being an old fart) but how many people nowadays would make time to do it even if they knew how..??

  10. This guy talks so much <deleted>. I don't know anybody of any gender or of any nationality, expat or visitor that eats an English breakfast more than twice a month...most never at all or maybe once a month


    On my visits to Big C I normally grab a hawmok pladok or if I am lucky hawmok het for 20 baht from the stalls outside and have it for brekkie when I get home..


    Same same Soi Buakhao market: I grab a small bag of Thai food for 30/40 baht + 10 baht rice  - breakfast sorted!



    • Thanks 1
  11. On 6/6/2018 at 8:56 AM, gwynt said:

    My question is always did your mother/grandmother ever use MSG and did thier food taste great?

    So why use it?

    May be they did in Oxo, Bisto, Bovril,Worcester sauce, Marmite, Knorr stock cubes ...?????

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