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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. Just now, bendejo said:

    Recall that when Bolton began distancing himself from the rogues' gallery DT himself called him a radical leftist.  So that's it: if they don't like what is being it is fake news.  If they don't like someone that person is a radical leftist.  Keeps things simple, the faithful appreciate it, "lock them up!" etc.

    On the other hand can't you see Bolton, the neocon archangel, suing DT for calling him that?



    Funny the left defending Bolton  LOL  still we should not be surprised at the hypocrisy we should remember the left's u-turn on Comey - hated one day and loved the next!

    • Like 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Based upon what ?



    Washington | Australia's "novel" coronavirus pandemic response is being hailed as one of the world's best for both containing the virus and preserving the nation's economic fabric without throwing millions of workers into potentially permanent unemployment.

    A preliminary study of leading advanced economies by the highly-regarded Brookings Institution in Washington said Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and Germany have been "the most successful".

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  3. On 6/15/2020 at 9:12 AM, Laza 45 said:

    I don't think xenophobia is the problem.. my Thai family certainly are not anti foreigners but they are very afraid of a return of the virus.. all the publicity has been very effective in scaring them.  My wife saw the article about the new outbreak in China being linked to salmon imports (highly unlikely in my view).. she was wondering if I should stop buying salmon.. she is also wary about returning to work July 1st when the schools open.. Healthy caution I think.. and a little overreaction maybe.. xenophobia.. no... 

    You mean she's uneducated right?

  4. On 6/14/2020 at 6:51 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

    As far as I remember about 2500 people were killed by the police at that time. Imagine only 10% of them were no criminals. That would be 250 innocent people killed by the police. Do you think that is an acceptable number?

    Do you think police officers who deliberately killed innocent people should keep their job? Or should they be prosecuted and go to jail or be executed like other killers?

    Imagine what?    imagine if all were drug dealers?  yea we can do that. You have any e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e or just believe the yellowshirt propoganda?

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