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Posts posted by BobBKK

  1. 7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    True, for which Powell has expressed sorrow. Trump lies multiple times every day and attempts to navigate away from the Constitution regularly, enabled by his Cabinet, none of whom express remorse.


    Powell would have known he will be attacked remorselessly by trump and his supporters - good on him for standing up.

    "sorrow"  for killing thousands?  really?  if he was "sorry" he should keep his fat mouth SHUT and hang his head in shame

    • Confused 3
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  2. On 6/4/2020 at 4:24 PM, dunroaming said:

    If I had a business looted or burned then I would want the people found and prosecuted.  But as we know this is not the protestors doing it.  It is the usual gangs of thugs that turn out at every protest meeting.  Same in Britain, Germany, France and just about every other country out there.


    Of course there will always be those who believe Trump's twisted version but it's probably best to just ignore them.

    Well that is true it is not the peaceful protesters but the thugs as you say but unfortunately the scum use those who protest to cover their activity. Protect the peaceful citizens right to protest, which i fully support, but crack down HARD on the scum. 

  3. 16 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     If you did not want a tenant moving in and bringing their elderly parent with them, then you shouldn't have let to that person!


    Like many here, you have completely missed the point.


    I repeat my earlier quote from the OP: "The government said landlords and tenants should work together and exhaust all possible options, such as flexible payment plans, to ensure cases only end up in court as an absolute last resort."


    So no one is saying that any arrears should not be paid. Why you and others think otherwise I have no idea; unless you didn't read the OP.


    BTW, if I stay in a hotel, I don't pay until I move out. Would you let your tenants do that?

    Really?  I have stayed in 100s, literally, and have always paid upfront when booking - hotels these days don't take the chance that you will skip so no idea what world you're living in. I rent out condos here and always get a deposit and rent IN ADVANCE. I think you are just arguing for the sake of it.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I agree. There was no reason to shove someone that age like that. What's worse the police just looked at him, none really bothered to help. But a couple of servicemen went over to him. 



    I agree they should not have done that but I also think he should not have been there provoking a reaction. He's a well known activist who set out to break the law and he's achieved his goal of provoking those Police.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, J Town said:

    Oh, and the speaker of the house sent a letter demanding the executive branch identify these unidentified armed forces.


    They are feds who don't want the scum to know who they are - hey just like your ANTIFA!  they hide behind masks and have no ID either - hypocrite 

  6. 4 minutes ago, J Town said:

    Blather all you want (of course, you ignore the meat and focus on table scraps that fell on the floor).

    It simply boils down to these two questions:
    1. Do you deny there is institutionalized racism in the US?

    2. Do you deny there is preventable police brutality that results in the murder of blacks?


    Your answers will clearly define who you are and where you stand.

    CIA links?  proof? anything like that?

    1. yes

    2. no but it's not just blacks

  7. 32 minutes ago, J Town said:

    I repeat - you are the problem. You are like your master, you have no empathy. Yes, they commit more crimes, but the innocents are targeted exponentially more than necessary. Until you and your ilk open up your eyes or die off, this struggle will continue. You defend the brutality of the militarized police force. At this very moment the CIA is releasing an army with no identification. They do not have authority to arrest, but they can kill. And you're OK with that. The black movement is only asking for a fair shake and you seem unhappy with that.



    So funny. CIA? proof?  you live in an alternate universe 

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