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Posts posted by jimmjam

  1. 2 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

    I would love to hear the rationale for this move. Where is there any evidence that alcohol increases the spread, more than soft drinks.
    We won't hear it because there is none.
    Stand by for the stampede to the shops. Will make the queues at immigration look like nothing.

    It to stop social gatherings.its obvious.

    You are not going to see a bunch of people sat around sharing a bottle of fanta are you.????

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Krataiboy said:

    I do hate to see the working "drinking" used as a pejorative. Supposing the noun "tea" happened to be the subject of the verb instead of the (implied) alcohol. Would we all instinctively be inclined to look more favourably on the miscreants?


    True, they were behaving badly, flouting the curfew and the rules about congregating. What beverage they were consuming is irrelevant - or should be.


    Oh, which reminds me. . . anybody know why the 7/11's in Cha Am have suddenly stopped selling alcohol when the mom and pop shops are still doing a roaring trade in the demon drink?

    They have been told to stop selling alcohol, alot of.provinces 7/11,, tesco etc have stopped. I believe until the end of april or after the 20th.

  3. Will still.be sold at the local shop, dont worry about it.

    Last year during a no alcohol weekend, the old man at the shop, put all my beer in black bag for me as to not arouse suspicion.???? It will be available, just not at 7/11, tesco etc....

    Dont worry fellow drinkers

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