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Posts posted by jimmjam

  1. 4 minutes ago, Isaan Alan said:

    My experience with agents (for a friend of course) is that they don't like doing marriage visas and steer you into retirement visas. They do this by making their fee cheaper for a retirement visa. Their eyes glaze over when you go back to wanting a marriage visa. Maybe the "proper" legal firms tackle this but for a hefty fee I'm sure.

    Yep, retirement visa's are far easier for them to do as i was told by an agent last year.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Covid19Everywhere said:

    I arrived in Thailand on the 20th of March on Visa exempt.

    I did not used my first legal extension.


    Do I need to go to Immigration on 18th of April or is this new order giving me immigration-free-time until 30th of April, too?

    I believe you do not have to go, wait for someone else to chime in on this.

    I would of thought you are ok until the 30th.

    Anyone else like to answer this question?

  3. 18 minutes ago, sallecc said:

    Tricky thing is that stamp is not actual extension, it's 'under consideration' and 'must contact in person on 29th'... Anyway I'm sure OP will follow reports from others who will deal with it earlier (Zikomat is 'under consideration' on 23rd and he said he will contact them in advance).

    Yes, very true. Under consideration will pobably need a return to immigration.


  4. 1 minute ago, audaciousnomad said:



    They are struggling to balance safety and security with their unstated goal of utilizing all those immigration fees as a key revenue source for the govt coffers.  That is why other countries in SE Asia were so quick to grant amnesty....because Visa Fees/Fines/Penalties were never a huge source of revenue for them....unlike here.

    100 percent agree.

    Its all about the $$$€€€£££

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