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Posts posted by Lorin

  1. Click the little British flag in the corner to convert the page to english, not sure if you will find coverage area, I couldnt but I sent them a message so hopefully they will respond.

    After you click on that flag it brings you to the main page and after you click on some link/section it gives you info in Thai again. TIT

    No man, not the links I used, I went to the hinet link and it lists all the packages and prices in english.

    Here the list of the areas in BKK that Hinet is available: http://www.catdatacom.com/download/node_bangkok_7.pdf

    It is in Thai, but zip codes are specified as well, so 10330 is Langsuan and Ratchadamri areas.

  2. Click the little British flag in the corner to convert the page to english, not sure if you will find coverage area, I couldnt but I sent them a message so hopefully they will respond.

    After you click on that flag it brings you to the main page and after you click on some link/section it gives you info in Thai again. TIT

  3. I want to sell my Mazda3 and buy German car as my next ride. How much does it cost to service new entry level Benz or Bmw(c200 or 325) in Thailand? I'm talking about 10.000 km service and such. For Mazda it cost about 3000 baht each time. Plus they told me that to change brake discs cost 2900 baht for pair of wheels.

    servicing mine is ok, similar price to a Toyota, just changed brake discs and pads on the front the lot 6,000baht, BMW use soft discs to get a better pedal feel and changing the discs when you change the pads is normal, parts seem reasonably priced too for the E34 I have.

    Hmm, i donno who to listen now, my friend just told me about huge bills that his biz partner gets every time he service his Benz E....

  4. “James lives in Center Point Serviced Apartments, has an English-speaking Burmese driver, shops at Paragon, eats at Gianni and goes to Bed Supperclub on weekends,” Huang said. “His staff includes a trilingual secretary and two full-time translators. He can literally go for months without encountering a single non-English speaking person. Even his girlfriend, a light-skinned Chinese-Thai model and VJ, speaks perfect English.” According to the study, someone like James whose income is Bt350,000/month, requires a Thai vocabulary of only 50 words, including basic numbers and taxi directions.

    Jokes aside, he need double that salary to have lifestyle like that, what is remind us again how Thailand is not cheap as it claimed.

  5. Ups, someone in trouble now.... :o

    Cambodia's disputed Hindu temple joins heritage list

    In one of the most controversial decisions of its eight-day meetings, UNESCO on Monday named a Hindu temple in Cambodia to the World Heritage list that has been under the cloud of a border dispute with Thailand for decades.

    Preah Vihear is a stunning clifftop temple dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva perched on the cliff that defines the Thai-Cambodian border.

    Cambodia sought designation for the millennium-old temple, but Thailand has challenged the move over a border spat dating to a 1962 International Court of Justice ruling.

    In a compromise in May, Cambodia agreed to redraw the inscription map, including only the temple, but the move would limit UNESCO's say over how Preah Vihear would be preserved, officials in Cambodia and Thailand have said.

    Cambodia's compromise brought Thailand back on board, and the government signed a joint bid, but then withdrew its approval at the last minute in the face of massive public protests and an order by a Thai Administrative Court.

    At the last minute, Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama traveled to Canada to plead against the designation, but without success.

    Thailand successfully blocked Cambodia's efforts to list Preah Vihear in both 2006 and 2007 on the grounds that the inscription map included a 4.6-square-kilometre piece of land in the temple compound that is still subject to a border dispute.

    --dpa 2008-07-08

  6. They wont getting diesel on their rented car i think, and it will take them 2 full tanks to get to Phuketx2000 baht each. But anyways, its more about safety and time lost then money saved/wasted. The want to drop the car in Phuket airport, that means they not gonna use it on the island anyway.

    Just wanted to ask you why you guys want to drive from Bangkok to Phuket? Its pretty long run, for the first timer will take 10-11 hours for sure, plus few tanks of gasoline that gone mad lately. So you wasting your time driving, losing one day driving and sleeping after and paying gas that will be more expensive than air tickets. I did drive BKK-Phuket in the past and I'm not doing it anymore, too much trouble.

    More expensive than air tickets ?? I don't think so..... Drive down most months in the Truck Isusu, just got the new 'Gold Series' and last week was the 1st trip in this truck. I live 50km North of BKK, drove to Phuket drove around the Island for 4 days and drove back, filled up 1x only so total cost using B5 fuel 2,000baht each way..... 2x air tickets are more than 2,000baht.

    Stop off at Chumpon on the way, normal 380baht for the room...... but found 2km before out in the sticks a nice place, very good food cheap [had BEEF yes BEEF steak with veg, diet pepsi and 5 fish patties = 130baht] very nice large rooms, all on one floor Hotel 600baht.

    Take care from Hua Hin to Chumpon as always many accidents, this trip 7. Check points are not a problem, just have your Drivers license and car papers handy, there not interested in your passport. paid 100baht once last year, and have been stopped many many times.

    I have to go Chumpon - Ranong as have 2 stops to make that way going down, up and down over the mountains and best to do this part in the day time.

  7. To me, all these people that wear lots of gold aren't wealthy, but they just want to pretend that they are.

    The real high class society wouldn't wear tacky yellow gold, they would wear white gold or platinum.

    As for all the bar girls that wear all the gold, what they are showing is, that they've been around on the game for sometime and had many customers.

    The people that invest in gold but don't wear it are the clever ones.

    In the western world its considered unfashionable to wear yellow gold, unless your from gypsy origin.

    Exactly what I said, wearing 75K worth of gold and driving on 30K motorbike..:-)

  8. Hi,

    male cats can have frequent problems with crystals in their urine: multiple factors associated: diet, change of environment,change of litter...Sometimes they hold on too long before going to the toilet and crystals precipitate in their bladder. These crystals are painfull to pass. This could be one explanation for the peeing outside the box.

    Did you buy a different brand of litter?

    Diet can be implicated but I don;t believe it to be the only cause: any major change in hs diet?

    Is he peeing on the floor or against things: spraying (against things) usually indicates a territorial issue: and there, cats are notorious for finding all sorts of insults!

    One easy test to do is if he pees on tiles: check for crystals once it dries or even you can feel the crystals in a wet pudle: any blood in the urine?

    The vet prescribed antibiotics. First reaction but a good analysis of the history is important, not just the shotgun approach.

    The circling can also indicate some discomfort before peeing. If he can walk in a straight line most of the time and jump onto things: there is no problem with his middle ear.

    The danger with crystalluria( production of crystals in the urine) is that they can also block and be unable to pee due to the small diameter of the urethra. That can turn into a life threathening emergency.

    Some diet food are suggested as lowering different minerals to prevent the formation of crystals but I would need to know more about the environmental issues of the cat before i would suggest to change his diet. Can be a nightmare with stubborn/fussy cats....and not work!

    Hope this helps a bit to identify the cause of the behavior.

    Then I can maybe advise more on the treament warranted.

    To answer your questions: I'm always buy only 1-2 kinds of litter from Foodland and havent change it lately, his diet havent change from the day I got him(got him from my condo unit owner in BKK 2 years ago, he was grown up already, from his medical book I figured the first record was done in 2005, so that should be his year of birth). He is always eating cat food with Tuna flavor, never eat human food,I offered him many times, he just dont like it I guess. I'm not sure about spraying, I saw him do it once on the wall, but other times just on the floor, or even on my working table. I havent seen any blood or crystals in his urine. He is able to go straight, jump on the things and run, so I believe is no problem with middle ear. The only change that happened in his life few month ago, that I moved out of BKK and staying in new condo,and my gf taking him sometimes to her apartment when I'm out of the country, but seems they are ok with each other, he even sleep with her in the bed, thing he never done with me. Regarding peeing out of his box, it happened before few times, but it was always on my bed, probably attention thing, and I dont mind that happening sometimes, but not like what is going on now. Ahh and by the way, the first thing he pee when its started a week ago, was his travel plastic box, he jumped on it, smell it, play a bit with his paws and then pee on top of it.

  9. Is it up on a shelf, or on the floor? Are the sides quite high? Its just that IF he is having balance problems that might make him nervous to use the box.

    So, he isn't yowling or scratching his head, or acting odd in any way?

    He is scratching his head and body or the furniture and our legs, but he's always been doing it, as well as meowing loudly, that is common for him as well. The box is on the floor, and he is using it when locked in the toilet(as I did lock him there last nite with small carpet to sleep on and his food and water). Besides he is always poo in his box, if it was balance problems he would do it in the living room as well right?

  10. Just wanted to ask you why you guys want to drive from Bangkok to Phuket? Its pretty long run, for the first timer will take 10-11 hours for sure, plus few tanks of gasoline that gone mad lately. So you wasting your time driving, losing one day driving and sleeping after and paying gas that will be more expensive than air tickets. I did drive BKK-Phuket in the past and I'm not doing it anymore, too much trouble.

  11. Could be he feels unsure to enter the box. Where is his litter box located?

    Also, is there any other strange behavior, or unusual symptoms that you've noticed lately?

    His box located in the toilet, he been using that place for few months without any problems. Nothing more unusual except the circles and the pee.

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