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Posts posted by Lorin

  1. Over the last 6 years i have gone through so many changing opinions on the OP post

    From hating it - to humoring it - to becoming a victim of it - to accepting it - to finally realise that:

    It aint so black and white!

    there are a lots of evil stereotypes and good reason too - BUT...

    I guess its depending on who you are, whom you have attracted and where in the whole Thailand wonderland experience your at today.

    Thailand is just a ride, so many predictable twists and turns -

    but always the unexpected ass tickler to give you whiplash!

    Thesedays i live by the following rules...

    I call it the 'THAI ACID LOVE TEST'

    If it was a bar girl making a finacial plea:

    i would certainly decline in sending money - why?

    Cos theres a 90% she is full of crap and has another 10 guys doing the exact same thing and is probably richer than me anyway

    (anyone one dares to tell me otherwise - can just go stand in the corner while i call your parents - live here long enough and do the calculations - bar girls never lie)

    id rather gamble on better odds than that....

    If i knew the girl was genuine and i trusted her more than average

    I would certainly consider sending her money - but not so that she would grow dependant and lazy on it, or worse - learning that repeating this act can be a good way to earn a living for all the other wet tissues flying in. I would just provide a one off payment to help her out and reduce the chances of her becoming a corrupted deviant.

    (As i would hope someone would do for me in a similar situation)

    If it was my wife...

    haha - id be doomed not too - hence i wont be marrying a Thai to become the farang sponser to all her family back home and a slave to wants that become requests.

    Does that sound jaded, miserly or cruel? or perhaps KI NIAW?

    Well, unless you can honestly trust your wife 100% (im not quite there yet)

    why complicate matters with money and expectations from the whole family? and risk further maniplulations down the line.

    The way i see it is - If she leaves you as a result - well thats a great THAI ACID LOVE TEST' in my opinion.

    You have probably done yourself a great favor in finding out earlier - what your dellusions and inflated ego could never dechipher here in wonderland.

    Rules of exception

    If i had actually visited her family whom were old, retired, struggling, clearly in the proverbial.

    If i felt i could do some good without it being DEMANDED or culturally EXPECTED or whatever...

    Then i would request their bank details and send cash directly to them - yes i would consider a monthly salary too if i could afford it and if it was certain it wasnt going to the monthly lottery syndicate.

    Nowdays however, to avoid becoming a miserly jaded farang

    I find it much more fullfilling to give a few thousand baht to the poor Cambodians on the border with no arms or legs, or the same poor suffering victims you see walking around the street half dead or selling crap at the traffic lights and sucking in black soot all day.

    These poor souls are genuinely on borrowed time - if i could help one of those i would truly feel it was worth it and an investment well spent...

    Ask yourself how many THais do you see giving poor folks money?

    ive never seen one - dont tell me they dont have money, they dish it out to the temple repairs every month to buy good karma and fortune back for themselves,

    (nothing is done without expectation) just as they expect kind foreigners to provide for them too. But just how many Thais will help strangers?

    There are millions of GENUINE cases for you to give charity for...

    Millions who really do need just a few hundred baht a day to live modestly and with dignity

    So when your next playmate or wifey starts her predictable demands - just think about the 'Thai Acid Love Test'

    so go ahead - have some fun!


    Very good post, and regarding myself i think its still sickens me cause I dont need to send money to girl to be with me(maybe just yet, lets talk in 10 years)..:-)

  2. A little note I just sent off to THAI:

    Dear Thai Airways Executives:

    You may or may not be aware that Thai Airways International (THAI) is truly taking a beating in the international press as well as many popular online travel sites regarding substandard service and overpricing. I am not in the travel industry nor am I an economist however it appears to this former frequent flyer that your airline is being poorly mismanaged and customer service is becoming nonexistent. I simply want to make you aware that the perception of THAI service and value is now comparable to Thailand in general. THAI seems to see no value in meeting the needs of its customer base or improving traveler perception of a once great airline.

    By way of example I would like you to read the running dialog in the Bangkok Post Opinion Section, Letters to the Editor, for the past week. I think you will be embarrassed about how the Business Class traveler perceives your airline. The overall theme of the opinions is that your service is in steep decline with no end in sight. The running joke around the world for years has been what is called “Thai Economics”. This proven theory outlines the fact that if the customer base and revenue decline a Thai business simply needs to increase prices to make up for the shortfall. This theory almost never works but is practiced until executives come to their collective senses of the business fails. The hotels and resorts in Thailand are starting to get it by halving their prices to save their businesses and keep employees on the job. Even THAI’s competition have all cut fares to stay in business while THAI cuts routes and services while holding the line on ticket prices.

    You should have become aware by now that there is a global economic crisis that is affecting your bottom line. I did see that THAI is requesting a multi-billion Baht stimulus package from the government but without a specific plan to spend the giveaway. THAI recently announced that the direct flight to Los Angeles may have to be scrapped because of declining load factors. My advice would be to cut fares to be at the very least within sight of your competition. It is pure hubris to expect travelers to pay tens of thousands of Baht more to fly THAI especially when cabin service has gotten worse in recent years.

    Finally, I just want to you and your staff to take a look at references to THAI online. Social networking and information sharing on the web is having a negative impact on your business in general. You need to Google yourself and see just what is out there. First impressions are the ones that people remember for a long time and what they see online will turn them off forever. One site: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Thai-Airways...at-t237126.html is widely read around the world. If it were me I would immediately get the appropriate management teams involved to stem the bleeding of your public relations nightmare. “Crisis Management Intervention” is wildly used in business and someone who went to school in the West will know the precepts or at least the concepts that could begin save your sinking ship.

    I realize my criticism sounds harsh but many believe THAI is in crisis and prompt action is required to get passengers flying again. These problems are not going away soon or by themselves. Competent and strong leadership will be required to reverse the decline. I for one hope someday to return to the fold and fly THAI in the near future.

    Sincerely, (grantbkk)

    grant, the only correspondence that Thai airways people will read is one that's brief and flattering, or at least a commendation of their services.

    If within the 1st or 2nd sentence, they detect any hint that the letter is non-flattering, they'll probably chuck it in the waste bin. This is particularly true if the letter is in a language other than Thai.

    Have you ever tried making a mention to an employee/manager of a Thai biz - on how they might improve their services or products? If it's a mention of not praising their biz, they'll either walk away or get annoyed/defensive. At best, they'll give an indication of acknowledgment, then walk away with a confused look on their faces. Improvements won't come forth from mentions/complaints from farang.

    I don't know how you can be so cynical of your fellow man and Thai Airways. This morning I got this response from THAI and all should be peachy after their next staff meeting. Right?

    Dear (grantbkk),

    Thank you for your e-mail written concerning your suggestion about THAI Airways International.

    We really appreciated receiving your interesting comments and thank you for taking the time to write. We would like to assure you that letters such as yours are always acted upon, in our continual striving to achieve the best possible service at every level of our organization, and for this reason we truly value your comments.

    We trust that we shall have further opportunities to welcome you on board THAI Airways International's Royal Orchid Service during your future travels. Until such time we send you our best wishes.

    Yours sincerely,

    Weraluck Bhensuwan

    for Ton Loharjun

    Department Manager

    Customer Relations Service Department

    Wow, unbelievable they actually answered...:-)

  3. Just got my new wheels few days ago and I'm very happy with it. Still havent sold the Mazda, but you cant compare those 2...:-) Do anyone knows where I can make some fixes/tunning to the car? Starting with enabling build in GPS that is not working by default from what agent told me, then to chip that adds hp and torque and then changing exhaust pipe and spoilers? Me in BKK.


  4. :o

    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease run flat tyres are a joke, ridiculously priced and throw them away when punctured, maybe in Thailand they will repair them but the buggers wont in the UK apart from one brand I believe?. Ive changed all mine to NON run flats, we'll ignore the run flats concrete like ride qualities too!! Tin of tyreweld if punctured fixes the no spare problem.

    My run flats are absolutely fine. Smooth ride and very comfortable.

    I've had one puncture - very early on when I hit a massive pot hole. I was very glad I had run flats as I wouldn't have even known I had a puncture if the computer hadn't signalled. I actually ran the car for couple of days before getting it replaced - yes expensive - around 9,000 Baht.

    It is a great safety feature: if I get a blow out at speed, I will be perfectly OK, and it is very reassuring when I am up country to know I will be able to carry on driving to the nearest town/dealer.

    I've been running my car for nearly 6 months now with not a whisper of a problem of any kind. If you read back through this thread you will see that I did test drive a Honda Accord, and I thought it was a very nice car. But it just isn't in the same class as the BM.

    I actually read a review on BMW service/tyres in Motoring section of Bangkok Post. They mentioned to replace on cost 19000 baht, its good to know that it can get cheaper with your been "only" 9000..:-)

  5. Thanks for details, can I ask you if the motor is loud when its in neutral? I test drive 520D before and it was sounds like a a diesel Fortuner to me...

    I used to own a diesel Fortuner, and IMO there is no comparison with the noise. It is really quiet.

    Top Gear did a test drive of a 520D and Clarkson, who has always hated diesels, became an instant convert. They did a noise test and compared it to the BMW petrol equivalent, and found that the 520D was quieter.

    These are diesels like you gave never experienced before, and are very economical, provided you don't drive like a maniac, but even then, it still does better than my 3 litre Fortuner diesel.

    BTW the latest 3 series models are roomier than earlier versions, and I have had 3 'largish' adults in the back with minimal discomfort. But it's still compact enough to park in small spaces and get through busy, narrow sois. The ideal size for driving in Thailand.

    Do a test drive and see what you think. Right now I reckon the salesmen will be falling over themselves to make a sale.

    I will do test drive tomorrow, they have few demos available from what I know, so maybe will make up my mind tomorrow.

  6. With the possible exception of a 328i convertible I used to own in the UK, this is one of the best cars I have ever driven.

    I have no idea whether a Mazda3 would overtake me, but so far nothing has come even close. I cruise down the outside lane at a whisper-quiet 180kms/hr and it is truly a pleasure to drive. The brakes are magic.

    If you have Bangkok plates and darkened windows, everyone gets out of you way as they think you are someone important. I drove with red plates for over 5 months, at night, upcountry, Bangkok, everywhere, and never got stopped once.

    Pattaya to Suvarnabhumi: 45 Minutes. Pattaya to Bangkok, Sukhumvit, Soi 19: 65 Minutes.

    There is a semi manual gear option (7 speeds) and it goes like shit in this mode. Very useful for getting ahead of slow moving "traffic clumps" and safely overtaking on the narrow roads of East Pattaya.

    They tried to persuade me to put some factory built modifications on the body, but I think it looks beautiful the way it is, and it was one of the first to have the very latest styling, with great rims as standard.

    I was contacted by a gentleman who offered to get a chip for my car, so I thought "Why Not?" I met him in Pattaya and it was duly installed. This was just after I took delivery, so I can't say how much the performance has been improved by the chip, but it sure goes well now.

    I suppose you know there is a 3 year unlimited warranty (except for tyres and battery), and BMW will rescue you form any location in Thailand, should you break down. The run flat tyres are also a reassurance if you are driving up country.

    I have never regretted forking out for this motor. It is one of my greatest pleasures.

    But each to his own - it is all a matter of personal preference.

    Thanks for details, can I ask you if the motor is loud when its in neutral? I test drive 520D before and it was sounds like a a diesel Fortuner to me...

  7. I picked it up last Tuesday and it's been raining ever since. Below is a rare occasion when the car was clean. It bucketed down about five minutes after I took the pics.

    It is a wonderful piece of machinery and I have no regrets.

    It's absolutely packed with "bits and bobs and toys' and it will take me a year to get to know them all.




    Cool car, hoping to get one for myself soon as well. Have you done any modifications/additions?

  8. looked into getting one, anybody have any good / bad expierence with them? service ect...

    Nice cars, but expect high repair costs. Parts are expensive.

    Dont the have free service policy for 3 years same as BMW and Benz?

  9. The wife is ready to buy a Mazda 3 Sport from the Motor Expo. We were there this weekend looking and getting the best promotions. She likes this car. She test drove it and like the way it handles and brakes. I was also pleased with the ride. Any comments would be welcome.

    I believe Mazda 3 Sport is same as Mazda 3, so its good, reliable car, the only thing with 2K engine is gas hungry.

  10. I love my cat a lot, but recently he made my crazy with his peeing habits. It seems like he is marking some objects in the house...So I heard neutering cat will help in that case, anyone can recommend a good doctor to do so? In addition I cant really find the places he pee in, but I can smell it around, so I need to buy a blacklight to identify and clean those areas. Thank you in advance for your help/recommendations.

  11. Hi.

    My DOWNload speed is "almost there" (roughly 1.3M) however what is important for me is the UPspeed. Which is NOT there. I have just tried a few things (rebooting router, disabling IPV6 in my Ubuntu setup, rebooting the computer) but nope, my upload hovers around the 25K mark. It does short bursts up to 28-29 only to immediately fall back. Seeing the graph for the whole day it is pretty much a straight line at 25 kB/s.

    Right now, for testing purposes, i started every torrent i have (close to 35 torrents active) but nope, it does NOT go beyond that "magic point". Which is VERY weird because usually, i am running at the full 50 kB/s at which i throttle uTorrent, even with only 2 or 3 active. AND, right now, going at 25 it is behaving just like it normally would at 50, i.e. e-mail times out (T-Bird/Hotmail) and certain web sites (bild.de) are extraordinary slow.

    I would guess TRUE are implementing some sort of "torrent capping" now, however i had the very same problem at my office which has yet to see it's first torrent. And at the identical times as well.

    Well i'm about to hit the bed, still recovering from a rather bad cold... let's see how it goes tomorrow.

    Good night, and Happy Halloween :o


    My torrent upload speed have been 40kb/s last nite, if it helps.

  12. When he was a PM, he was healthy as a bull, walking around fresh markets, eating like a pig etc. Suddenly when he is not in charge anymore and prison seems so likely scenario, he get critically ill and got a "cancer". Thai politics is the best available drama/comedy around...

  13. Basjke, dont waste your time complaining, cause it wont help, I suggest you to go back to their office with someone that speak Thai(wife/gf/friend), explain the situation again and try to push em a bit. Some tea money under the table can help as well. Those guys moving their ass only when they see direct benefit to themselves. Good luck.

  14. Sony Vaio VGN-FZ38GU

    Intel® Centrino® Processor Technology

    Processor Name

    Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T9300(2.50 GHz)*1*2


    Mobile Intel® PM965 Express Chipset

    Processor System Bus


    Memory Bus


    Cache Memory


    Fast running monster, I played with one in Pantip recently, considering to get me one, the only bad side is the price of 89900 baht, but they add 2G more of ram for that price, and ton of small free stuff.

  15. Click the little British flag in the corner to convert the page to english, not sure if you will find coverage area, I couldnt but I sent them a message so hopefully they will respond.

    After you click on that flag it brings you to the main page and after you click on some link/section it gives you info in Thai again. TIT

    No man, not the links I used, I went to the hinet link and it lists all the packages and prices in english.

    Here the list of the areas in BKK that Hinet is available: http://www.catdatacom.com/download/node_bangkok_7.pdf

    It is in Thai, but zip codes are specified as well, so 10330 is Langsuan and Ratchadamri areas.

    Ya but that is a pdf download list on that page, the rest of the links are on the site and english. Which is all I was trying to tell you to help you out hehe. I clicked the customer contact button and filled in my details and the package Im interested in, so hopefully that will actually get a response to see if Im in an area that can get it. Hope its not like so many other companies here that will just ignore me... it's almost like people dont like money here.... hmmm.

    The sales/customer service dont care much about your money in Thailand, if its not going into their pocket. I just called CAT, talked to some sales by the name of Wannee, she told me to send her a MAP(!) of my condo, so tech guys can check if they lay a wires to there....:-) The funny thing I will as she said, cause the other internet providers are bad joke...

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