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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 4 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Despite many claiming trucks are more value , truth is it’s not. Maybe bottom of the range is , but top models over 1 million . For this price can get pretty much any other passenger car.


    why so many people buy pick ups?

    1. Yearly floods

    2. Bad roads

    3. More safe as larger than a small sedan

    4. More space 

    5. Cheaper fuel, ie diesel


    agree with you

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Rally123 said:

    Says who? I don't see that quoted in the OP. All it is is a tragic accident that hasn't been yet fully investigated and the 'lynch party' are already calling for blood. For all we know the woman motorcyclist may be completely at fault. Usually the case here in Ting Tong land.

    but WILL it be fully investigated......only accidents where  a farang is involved seems to be investigated....MONEY MONEY comes to mind.....

    • Confused 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    I had a neighbour next door who was a relatively young alcoholic. When his wife went to work, he would open his car doors, put the stereo on full blast, sit next to the car, drink his beer and fall asleep. The blaring music sometimes went on for hours. My wife had a word with his wife, to no avail so the next time that it happened I pointed my hosepipe over the party wall, filled his car with water and drenched him until he woke up. He didn't say a word, switched his car stereo off and went inside. There were no repeats of the incident. 

    nice one......


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