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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 3 hours ago, canopy said:

    It's not the speed itself but that an awful lot of thai drivers don't get out of the way that makes it dangerous. You have to remember so many thai drivers have never studied the rules of the road, never took a driving test. Just paid 500 baht for a license and have absolutely no idea what you are supposed to do when an ambulance approaches from behind.


    i would like to know just who is actually qualified to pass any thai driver.....IF HE TAKES a driving test...if I were the examiner I doubt if I would PASS any....

    • Thanks 1
  2. nothing wrong with Jomtien Beach Condominium....5 blocks to choose from....the best being S one and S two    5 mins from beach....have 2 swim pools and fitness centre. Bars/restaurants, laundry....massage....condo agents as well as security..

    I been at condo for ten years.

    Most condos have sea views...kitchens and double rooms are available...

  3. On 4/19/2019 at 4:46 PM, ThailandPermanent said:

    Thank God. Good riddance

    There's a common stream of retorts to anyone who is slightly critical of Songkran. Usually along the lines of "Don't like it leave". "Not your country mate". "Don't be miserable"

    It's not my country, and I am a grateful guest here. I get that loud and clear. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to criticize certain things as an outsider looking in. My opinions are shared by many of my Thai friends.


    In moderation, and certain areas, Songkran is great fun. I like that Thailand preserves cultural aspects. I've also joined in the water fights multiple years.


    I'd even go as far to say I absolutely love the old-fashioned style Songkran. It's really good-spirited in certain areas, particularly in smaller villages.

    But I object to:


    • An incredibly excessive amount of days for throwing dirty ice cold water. Ten days? How can people not agree that's a tad excessive? Could it be five? three? maybe even one or two?
    • Not being allowed to peacefully opt out. I've never thrown water at people who just want to peacefully go about their business, and aren't encroaching on your fun. It annoys me that so many can't allow others to just quietly not participate.
    • The lack of time limit. Even when I've joined in the water fight during the day, by 9pm I just want to go and eat at a restaurant. The number of times i've had to stop a farang throwing water at me at this kinda time is irritating
    • The frequency of jerk-like spraying. High powered water guns to the face is becoming very common. Not very good-spirited is it?
    • The passive aggression. A lot people use this holiday as an excuse to assault people and face no consequences. It's irritating to have some 65kg man get you inappropriately with water, and hide behind the pathetic "It's Songkran!!"

    Some nice aspects to this festival. But overall, tomorrow is the best day of the year for me

    you forgot the fact that the Police DO NOT ENFORCE the Laws during the "water week"

  4. 17 hours ago, Ulic said:

    I would have thought that the construction company just follows the design specs. If it was not designed/engineered properly don't blame the construction company. On the other hand, if the size of the sewer drains were downsized to skim money, that would be their fault. Not really sure. Just send down an inspector.

    do they have any inspectors....if so are they QUALIFIED????

  5. On 4/24/2019 at 11:02 AM, mikebell said:

    It also obscures vision.  Why do duckheads (misprint) smear cars when they can't get at the driver? It should be a crime.

    yeah agree punishable by death penalty !!

    Grevious bodily harm to a vehicle......

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