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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Previously posted a sarcastic view of the new laws and seems some high reeking officials from another board took it for what it was in print. My appoligies to the forum and members for trolling. Fact is it will affect local ex-pats more than others who think Thailand is only 100sqm around Suk 4 for 1 week a year. Everyone outside these zones will be living in a world regulated for the reasons we choose here rather than birth countries to spend our time and $$. There is hope though as bar assoc. across the country are forming to fight it. It's not cast in stone yet. If it gets cast and sends country down it should give a wake up in next election. Too many people will be affected for it not to.

  2. Take a closer look at this gift from cabinet. Less tourists will be welcome for ex-pats living here. The farangs left will be appreciated that much more.Prices on everything will go down. Economy should take a bit of a dive and all should be happy. Bring on the 50 to 1, 97 baht. Remember we are only guests here and what they do with there country is there business. Other countries in the region could use the tourist $$ that Thailand doesn't want. These beer drinking sex tourists only push up prices. Don't worry about the supply, some of those cute waitresses put out of work in the bar will be forced to look for other well paying jobs. Beer prices might even go down with demand. I'll drink to that!

  3. The best of both. Try a Nissan Wingroad. It drives like a car but has a back like a pick-up. Runs on gas and goes as fast as any car. Costs me just over 1 baht a km on the hwy.  The back seat will not hold 3 large farangs but will accomadate 3 small Thais. Also available with auto trans. New at about 414,000. Bought 3yr. old low kms. for 250. Know of 5 other farangs in my city with same Nissan NV and all like them. Some of these guys are over 6' and 200lbs. lots of room. Have had mine 3 yrs now and change oil and go.
  4. Recently a friend passed away after a lengthy illness and his wife got the village kamnan to sign death cert. Was told by hospital that because he died at home don't bring him in. She is now collecting pension benefits from UK as he was retired gov't worker and they were legally married in UK.
  5. Yes, quickly go to the laser clinic and remove the ATM tatoo on your forehead. It's much easier to ask the farang for money than solve the problems as they did before you came into the picture. Sit the wife down and ask what did they do before you arrived? Then explain your first priority is to her and the kids, maybe a small amount every couple months could be sent to help with the sick buffalo. Stand firm as they will not stop unless you stop it.
  6. A friend has just set up an adsl connection. This is thru TOT so you must have a TOT line. Initial costs; Set up special line and install modem 1,070, set up special account with Loxinfo 1,500. Operating costs;For 50 hrs@month; TOT line 500,modem rental 280, Loxinfo 1,100 so total for 50 [email protected]  extra hrs. 22 bht. From start to finish took about 2 weeks, which included getting TOT line,already had TT&T line. Buddy says it works great,example, downloaded 6mb program from net,3 mins.
  7. The previous poster is correct but seeing your first visit will be less than 30 days you can apply for visa on arrival. When back in US you can then apply for single entry for your second visit which is more than 30 days. Either way you will be making an application for visa in the US. Might be quicker than getting visa on arrival.
  8. Many schools will hire on any type of visa but on a tourist visa you are forbidden to work. Once you have been hired you will then have to leave the country to obtain a non-immigrant type B visa. You do not have to return to the USA for this you can go to any country,Mayaysia or Laos are the preffered. You will need to take documentation to the consulate confirming your offer of  employment by the school.
  9. Food 9,000 and wife 10,000? Should be able to give wife the 10 to buy the food. House ins. Why? First person I ever heard of in Thailand with it. Holiday fund 60,000 a yr.? Incidentals 7,500 for what? With no rent or lease payments one can live very comforably on 30 and that's not skimping before end of month. Average Thai could do it for15-20 and pay house and car payments.
  10. Back about 6 mos. ago met 5 gals from some break off of Russia working up country. They work a few days in BKK and then off to the provinces. Costs them about 200US  return. Mamasan travelling with them gets cut from every customer. Strictly for the local Thai market. The Thai men I was with thought they were the second coming of JC. Really common looking but all well endowed compared to local girls. No work permits just on tourist visas. Can be found every day in the Grace as well.
  11. Not a MD or prescribing any medication but Xenical is mainly used for cholestrol reduction. Costs about 55 baht. Available at private hospital pharmacies or larger pharmacies without prescription. A generic Thai compareable to xenical is 5 baht. Most drugs available without prescriptions,but caution should be used when not under Drs. advice.
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