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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Look in BKK Post usually some US made vehicles. Remember cars here are opposite drive to US. Very hard to pass vehicles on hwy when you can't see oncoming traffic. Repairs would be another story. Pick-ups here are a little smaller than the full sized Rams but have all the options available. Don't really need such big pic-ups here.

  2. Is bike new or used? Made in Thailand or imported? Locally made new bikes will require bill of sale and ins. As a falang you will need non-imm visa and letter confirming add. If it's new your dealer should do all of this for you.

  3. The old in the wrong place,time situation. Sounds like it's gonna get down to some cash parting or he's off for a few years. If you really want to help just start sending cash,even thou it may be a few dollars it will help. Feel sorry for anyone who really is innocent and have to do a stretch because of a supposed friend's antics. Only the poor go to jail here.

  4. Nissan Wingroad, drives like a car and can use back like small pick-up. Bought used 3 yrs ago and only expense has been fluid changes. Also ride Harley which costs more than double for an oil change if using HD oil.

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