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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Make a plan! There are 2 ways of doing your const. Get a general contractor and he will give you a price for everything incl. materials and labour or just for the labour and you buy the materials. If he is buying materials make sure to let him know what grade you want especialy for water fixtures,elec.,and flooring. Best bet is get a price for labour and you pick what you want for materials. When deciding on contractor have alook at other houses he has done.

  2. When wife purchased land she and seller went to local amphur office and changed title and exchanged monies. Land was also nor sor sam, which was changed later to a chinot.When changing title a tax will have to be paid, I think it's about2-3% of the recorded sale price. So most put a lower price. No need for lawyer really.

  3. Rules haven't changed, just the people who processed your reg. not knowing the rules for a falang owning a vehicle. Do yourself a favour and get a Thai driv. lic. Like an earlier poster said if ever involved in a big accident your insurer could find a way out of coverage.

  4. Happens alot up-country. Happened to my wife[of 13 yrs] last year in a big super market. Woke up in ladies bathroom minus gold bracelet. Has also happened to a couple of her friends. No, wife doesn't gamble and has money in bank if she wants a new bracelet. I am the same as others wondering how the transference can take place on just a grab of the wrist. Those who think our wives are just scamming should do a bit more research on the local level, as in asking local girls if they have ever heard of this.

  5. If you don't mind getting up early then Csloxinfo is not a bad deal. About 5 bht an hour between midnite and 8am. Local numbers all over the country and reliable speeds. If you have to get on in afternoon you can with cslox. Lots of others it's impossible to get on and even then most pages time out.

  6. If you've actually broken a law then why not just pay a reduced fine on the spot. Beats going to station and paying larger one and no marks on your license. To stamp out all gov't "tea money" wages would have to rise and of course so would taxes. The poor can't afford more taxes so let the people who can pay. A poor farmer upcountry with no helmet might pay 50 bht. Middle class 200. Farang 400. All relative.

  7. Not only bgs get into debt with local loan sharks. There's no real way to find out other than asking her and she tells the truth. Her parents or other siblings might have a debt and she feels obliged to help pay it off. Her older friends don't force her to work but could influence her with the easy,good money.

  8. It would be for the British Embassy in Bangkok.

    Background checks would not be a problem, I have no criminal record though I have been in debt before. :o

    I have loads of experience dealing with people, I'm a good communicator and I speak passable Thai.

    Roughly how much is a local salery?

    Roughly how much is a local "salery". Passable Thai and Eng? Learn to read and write Thai and become about 80% fluent. You will liken your chances a hundred fold. Loads of exp. and good comunicator. Would think a good communicator wouldn't be so quick to take a little criticism or joking on chosen name?
  9. It really gets down to daytime and night. I have a few gals that are just friends for talking etc. But when night comes even they become uncomfortable if someone sees them with a farang. Most Thais see the women with falangs as bar girls which is another thread. It's true, unless you know the thais they will look at the woman as a pro.

  10. I think we are all in agreement on exposing pedos and that they should be punished to the full extent of the law. There are reports of pedos doing this all over the planet. But this forum is about Thailand not UK or Srilanka. Just because some come here doesn't make it [article]about Thailand. Should this forum give them the heads Up?

  11. success, at last. i ended up renaming the photos and adding .jpg at the end,and that seemed to do the trick. now i just have to figure out how to reduce some other photos from 2mb a shot down to 100kbs so i can post them...any ideas??

    cheers bronco.

    On google type in resizer free. Downloaded a couple and they work great. Friends don't get angry when photos are 25k instead of 6\700k.

  12. Power Station near the Embassy of Laos will build you a chopper, try them, nice and capable folks when it comes to Harleys. Me thinks they have the best Harley mechanic in Thailand.

    Did you hear about the guy from Pattaya who took his bike there and they forgot to tighten gas line. Riding down the road and bike went up in flames severely burning him and gf. Went back to shop and they said this happens.

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