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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Was'nt there a country that claimed to have developed a cure for ebola……….just can't remember which country that was...…………..!

    Oh Yes ,Now I remember. It was that same country that every time the World Health Organization seems baffled by cures for a disease, that country starts to sound like an ole Snake Oil salesman travailing the western frontier of The US in the 1850s. claiming that his bottle of special herbs and spices can cure everything from gout to cancer. I think that they are trying to sell Democracy to their people in the same fake liquid.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Laughable response, considering their militarization of the Spratley islands and beyond as well as their very public secret document regarding the invasion of Taiwan in 2020.


    When war does break out, it will be incredible and truly worldwide.

    I hope that China takes a lesson from The Soviet Union of the 1950s and 1960s during "The Cold War" era by keeping a cool head with both sides installing fail safe systems to prevent a global war.The US has 6800 nuclear warheads with 4018 at the ready..Neither side would win with Russia probably taking the spoils.

  3. 4 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    A heavy truck does take longer to stop,especially if loaded,that said,and not being racist,a Thai driver and an Indian driver,two countries not renowned for their driving skills.

    In most (civilized) countries the law states that hitting somebody from the rear is the fault of the hitting driver and it is his responsibility as to the distance it takes to stop.

  4. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Fair play to him, it's just a pity they turn their backs on the scourge of corruption that will affect youth for generations to come...…...but hey...…….it's their country.

    Corruption has been the base of the government since the 1930s with the military totally in power and it will never change short of what started  in France in 1789

  5. 5 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Eeeeh!???? Can we please provide calculators for free to all people in this country that tries to, or deal, with numbers.

    146 new iPhones is equal to a value of 500 000 baht???? That would make a price for a new iPhone slightly under 3500 baht. Dude, sign me up for one all directly!
    As i always thought, that piece of garbage phone has always been totally overpriced.

    Thats the "black market" price to the middle man with the markup along the way a cording how many people handle them.Can not an iphone be turned off by the factory ? I have an iphone 6 that was issued by ATT in the US and even the best here could not get it opened to work here.

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