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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 13 hours ago, jvs said:

    Goodnews and i hope this will act as a deterrent for others!!!

    There is hope!!!Show them they are not above the law and put them in jail.

    Actually it may only deter those that are not privileged to hidden information of local or national government graft and corruption. Those privileged with that info will still act with impunity..The courts waiting five years here may attest to his status of a partial" Hi-So " with out enough money to buy his way out of the trial.

  2. So What ? Do you want to live in a poor ass commune or a Communist run country where only the very elite have any privileges? The CEOs are the ones that know how to put together those in the middle that make the companies competitive to make money that eventually helps those on the bottom (those that want to work that is) afford their luxuries (houses,cars,vacations,retirements,etc) . Two US  companies  APPLE and AMAZON will go over a Trillion dollar worth this year and they didn't get there by accident.It was the CEOs that put them there via there knowledge of commerce.  

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  3. 8 minutes ago, mikecha said:

    then u old or not go anywhere  all people ar in phones last week at airport a coffie over me she said nothing face in her phone   

    I think what Docto rG was referring to is the stupidity of letting ones phone take over their life.


    3 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    I must be really old because I really cannot understand this obsession with constantly having your face in your phone.

    Doctor G ,Remember that the theory is "The lower the IQ in a brain ,The easier it is to hypnotize".

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  4. 5 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    Don't give 'em any money. After all they come up with the weird idea to buy submarines and satellites to play with.

    Here is a fact: An abandon child is brought to a school that has a set up to keep them on the school grounds,Then the school will be paid a sum to school and house them.As they grow they are expected to clean up the school grounds after the other kids with parents go home at night.When they are teens they are encourage to "Borrow or get a loan" from the government to help pay for their schooling with the total running about 12,000 baht when they have reached the age of 15.Normally every year in January married couples will come to the school to adopt kids from 5 years old and up absorbing the government loan owed up to that time.After the age of "15" they are let out of the school and most going to work in government owned jobs or hospitals until the dept is paid.After that who knows. Many just  ."fill in your own thoughts"

    • Sad 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Yep, today we disguise child labour with the nice phrase of helping her mother that is a beach vendor. That is probably what you have to do as a country that have signed UNCEF and OHCHR and all the conventions related to that.

    In this country "Free School" is not FREE as the schools are set up to get as much out of the parents as possible...Many times the families that are poor with no government help just can not afford to send their children to school.

    • Confused 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    Wonder who's family member will win the contracts. Next step is to catch more young people and convict them to make more profit. Good luck training young people to become valuable members in society on 70 baht a day.


    Private prisons work so well in .... uhm, i can only think of america having privately run prisons and that is the most criminal country in the world based on the prisoners to population ratio.

    There are 133,000 both state and federal prisoners in US private run prisons.Their motto is "You Nail Em and We Jail Em"

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, animalmagic said:

    Peggy Wang, a mother of a 10-year old girl and six-year old boy, is one such parent who opted to move to the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, where annual tuition fees at less than 60,000 yuan (US$8,732) are a quarter of the 240,000 yuan her children’s Beijing bilingual school had charged.


    How does she have two kids?  I was given to understand that China had a one birth policy; they are definitely not twins!  The ages of the kids would mean that their births occurred before any loosening of this policy.

    The one child idea was abandon  about 10 years ago'

  8. 6 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Ha ha! Baffling too.

    Perhaps she means, "but not in Thailand" as in, it's not possible in Thailand to find an English-speaking environment (apart from the bars!).


    Thaksin had many of the schools to abandonn their teaching of English in favor of Chinese and other Asian languages.He stated that there were too much of an emphases on the English language.

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