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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 15 hours ago, swissie said:

    A " Proper" global company or a "research-institution" will take care of the work-permit. If not, they are not a "proper" research-institution.
    - Private or Government "research-institution"? If government research-institution, do you write and speak Thai?
    - You can not afford a 2 bedroom + pool appartement within a reasonable distance to BTS/MRT.
    Unfortunately, OP has not given any details concerning the "research-institution".

    CAUTION: "Research-Institutions" oftentimes are nothing more but some Boiler-Room Operations, trying to sell irresistable Real-Estate-Deals or phony Health Care plans to foreighners by telefone.
    Smells like it to me!
    These days, a young foreighner (with qualifications) can still earn a high salary in countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam.

    But then, as Thailand's spare-time fruits are hanging lower than in above mentioned coutries, no wonder that eager younger foreighners prefer Thailand above all the other countries. Hoping to start a career, while being surrounded by "low hanging fruits" simultainiously. All this creating an oversupply of young "western" male talent, (that Thailand doesn't really need anymore), having the effect that wages for "western" talent have been stagnant for years in Thailand.
    Still, good luck & cheers.

    Some of the so called "International Schools" are now hiring for even less then 10 years ago.

  2. 8 hours ago, DM07 said:

    What do you mean, he "urges" them?

    I am sure there are signed treaties and contracts, between Donald "Your favorite President" Trump and Kim, where Northkorea is clearly bound to take....

    ...wait...you mean...WHAT?!


    The only thing Little Kim agreed to was the dismantling of the nuclear test area which he no longer needs as all the testing (6 each) was completed and he now has the results so as to make his own atomic weapons. This is all hot wind coming out of The House of "Not Black and White"..Or should we say The House of Daily  White Lies ? 

  3. 11 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I always thought the best diplomat was the one who could tell you to go to hell in such a way that you looked forward to the journey.


    Todays diplomat is one that is expected to kiss ass and offer a smile of approval while the country he is in go on enslaving their own people.The Canadan Ambassador showed some balls in Saudi last week and was kicked out of country. Cheers To You CANADA.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...“I think the biggest issue facing our society is the lack of understanding about human rights,” said Surapong Kongchantuk..."


    Respectfully, the greatest threat to Human Rights in Thailand is the military Junta which limits them severely and de-fangs any independent Human Rights body.


    I admire the Human Rights campaigners who want to serve the Thai people, but the body on which they are trying to serve has no power and thus no influence.


    If one wants to see the return of genuine Human Rights for the Thai people, you need to get the military out of politics and turn to a civilian rule. Anything else is just wishful thinking.



    First of all,the people of LOS have never had "genuine human rights" in their history.The military has from the 1930s until this day control of the country..They have all the power and they will never let go with out a revolution and in this modern time would be very hard to happen.

  5. 7 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well Uncle Mhee i think you are a fantastic individual, shame more people have not supported you.

    Thinking about you propelling your self along for 30 ks a day, wow well done.

    I get tired just doing it around outside the house.


    Now here is something.... How about some TV members helping support him.

    I will be transferring some money, how many of other members will help?

    Stats show that at least 98% of all announced donations will not be paid.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, brain150 said:

    It's just the start of what is about to come !

    Thailand 4.0 does not need much staff .... computers will run the show and it's what EVERY Government wants !!!

    Many years ago while in China I rented an audio unit while visiting The Forbidden ed City and Had a much better experience then if I had  had a guide.The US has used this idea for over 40 years on many sites.

  7. 2 hours ago, secondfusilier said:

    Good and about time, all zoos, animal farms and safari parks in Thailand should be closed down.

    Most zoos worldwide have had incidents and accusations of not treating their animals correctly but Thai zoos money making tourist attractions bring this to a new level and they bring no educational value to their visitors.


    The only exemption should animal farms that are not open to the public, for example a snake farm for milking snakes to produce antivenom.


    It's quite shocking to see how badly wild and often endangered animals are treated in captivity in a country were you could be sent down for kicking a soi dog.


    So you are saying that all wild animals in the world should be seen only in photos in books and not studied or seen as real animals.What a stupid statement.

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