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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 5 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Kobe beef beats them all

    True Kobe beef is so expensive and rare you will never see it grilled as a single stake.There are many places all over the world claiming that they are serving Kobe beef  but it is not .

  2. 4 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    legalize gambling here and use the money to improve the education system and to take care of the elderly. 

    I agree,Any place you find Chinese you will find gambling..The elements here that strongly oppose legalizing gambling are the big wheels in the government and their cronies that would not profit like they do now.There are actual full run casinos in down town Bangkok in areas that the cops fear to go.

  3. 20 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

    Thailand needs subs like a fat boy needs chocolate cake

    Don't forget any project that involves vehicles,airplanes etc, puts money in the pockets of government officials. The cost will be estimated as 3 times over with the extra 66% going into pockets costing the tax payer..Needed or not this mini sub idea is a hot topic at this time.

  4. 7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Good grief. What can one say except that those kids need major therapy before they kill again. They waied the dead guy and will assume  it's all cleared up. As we all know, once  they murder at that age, they will most likely do so again. 

    If they showed up at the funeral, then the parents know they did wrong and the kids know they did wrong. Now it's time to  take responsibility for a horrible action.

    Bull Crap

    • Sad 1
  5. 4 hours ago, johng said:

    I guess it won't be a heavy tome like "war and peace"  

    maybe it will be the postage stamp sized

    "Achievement's of Military coup government volume 19"

    Ah yes,You can hear it now,the army "You taxi drivers must use the meter or we willlll (whats this on my desk ? A brown envelope ?)  As I was saying we will be studying this further.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Ahh only Asians are allowed to make chop & kick  films.

    Racism is a two way street and with their logic, asians should not have been allowed to work on the set of  Driving Miss Daisy,  Selma,  Ben Hur,  etc.

    Amassing of how many people still think that Bruce Lee was any kind of a karate champion. Can anyone list any international tournaments that he won ?Date and location please. Okinawa's Okayama would have ate this actor alive. 

  7. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Those Iranian top guys are so frustrated that Trump has thrown a spanner into their murky and sneaky plans to go nuke, that they have nothing better to do that issue more and more threats every couple of days, knowing full well that they can only flex their muscles and can't possibly and seriously hurt the US with their aging air force and armored equipments....

    I worked with the Iran army aviation out of Isfahan and Tehran for four years as an instructor and trainer.Their army couldn't beat an armed UK or US Boy Scout Troop.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    Totally misleading headline.

    They are threatening to fine people who actively take part in the boycott, not people who simply do not vote.

    This of course is reprehensible but different to the headline.

    Australia fines people who do not vote. ?

    Australia does that ?  If true then Australia sounds like it surely belongs to the Asian Alliance of dictatorship laws

  9. 51 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

    And enforcing a non law  it seems

    Here the police make up their own laws as they apt to do (dart board license 2018 ) (music on your computer in a bar license 2004) There seem to be no enforcement of existing laws that are actually on the books except ones to increase the income for the bib itself.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    Ninteen years is quite impressive, It could make a good title for a song, N-n-n-n-n-nineteen!

    Seriously though the current immigration rules leaves over-stayers with little option. Where before you could leave and pay 20,000 and it was clear. Now people cant do that. And before someone harps up about all over-stayers being in the wrong, there are many who have legal issues with the court who end up with overstay often of a couple of years, and get found not guilty at the end. They then need a court order or they are in the same boat. Offering a short amnesty window would probably see a large number of people trying to put themselves into a legal situation once more. I am pretty sure there are many, many more out there with stays like this and probably longer too.

    There was an amnesty for over a year ending in 2014.

  11. 1 hour ago, taipan1949 said:

    I am curious about how long exactly are these people held before they are actually put on a plane and deported??

    Normally,They hold you until you have enough money to pay your fine and pay for a plane ticket to your home.I knew of some  Japanese that had to wait two years there.

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