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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 19 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    Yet it manages to get into the press. I'm assuming of course that "yet to investigate" could possibly be different to attending the scene of an accident.

    Having said that any police force worth their salt would be investigating immediately. Perhaps the driver of the truck the van ran into hasn't paid them anything to begin investigating.

    Ah yes, I realise now, my mistake above - 'police force worth their salt'.


    The BIB action of "investigation" probably has something to do with checking the contents of the brown envelop so as to determine how much of fault if any is determined to be either what driver or "Them damn breaks failure again."

  2. 10 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    well done to these heroes.


    RIP young girl.


    I would teach the importance of electrical grounding and safe stopping distance while driving but "no can".

    First of all in teaching any subject one must have students that actually want to learn the lesson. In most of Asia in order to teach lessons in proper driving Technics  you would have to try to undo eons of the learned lessons of the "Me First Syndrome" that seems to be embedded in their brains. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Ah, it looks like they know how to use a gun since birth, anyway! Maybe it would be better to try making them responsible, caring and law abiding citizens instead.


    The only serious problem with that solution is, that I just can´t find a suitable teacher in the whole country.

    Well said Sir

    • Like 2
  4. Even in the more advanced first world countries the politicians and governments seem to be less interested in preparing for the inevitable changing of the worlds weather conditions then they are in spending on frivolous things so as to keep themselves in office.In the third world countries those in charge seem to be more worried about shoring up their wealth then any future for their citizens.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    That's a $2000 USD stretcher?   I'd hate to know what the price of aspirin is there....



    The Stretcher probably was originally purchased from a hospital supply for about $200 by one of the BHP  people's wife then sold to the BHP for that $2000 to be given away.That is the same way the government buys their airplanes,tanks, ect, for the military. All the companies here copy the government in the way that they do business.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    Please elaborate.


    Sang Som and Mekong are indeed rum types while Blend 285 and Hong Thong are whiskeys even though Hong Thong might have some rum in it.Blend is a mix of Thai spirits and whiskey from Scotland.

  7. On 8/21/2018 at 7:38 AM, Oxx said:

    I believe all Thai "whiskies" are actually rum - made from molasses (sugar), perhaps with a tiny bit of rice.  Don't think you'll find anything akin to a proper whisk(e)y.

    Wrong about Thai whiskey.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    All cables will be painted in different colors and be announced as tourist attractions under the name: " Spaghetti Rainbow"

    You should pattered that name "Spaghetti Rainbow" as the government of los could be using that because we all know that they will continue to install hanging wires on all the line poles for a long time.

    • Haha 1
  9. When the "Officials" invite the media to these ignorant actions that do not/ will not produce any results,are they actually thinking that the people of LOS are stupid enough to believe any of their crap? Or are the "Officials" the stupid ones thinking that their actions are correctly gaining results ? Vote for #1 or #2

  10. 7 hours ago, catman20 said:

    rubbish, traveling in the bed of a pick up is illegal also and nothing is done about that either. ive been doing this for 18 years yes its illegal and so are many other things here, thats over looked you will get scare mongers all the time that prefer to put their house in the wife's name LOL mugs, go to a law firm they will do it all for you. cost 25/30,000 baht. accounts every year range from 9/15,000 baht taxs 1/3,000 baht a year. easy as that. id rather trust the law than some thai bird .

    I hope they catch your dumb AXX

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