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Posts posted by Peasandmash

  1. 3 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

    A few weeks in a Thai slammer will sort this idiot out for life.

    this would be the case for most people... however, nearly 65% of black Americans have spent time in jail. and of the 65% when surveyed, the majority of them have admitted to having sexual relations with other (male) inmates. So this boy is having the ultimate holiday in Thailand with room, board and sex all being paid for by someone else. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    From my memory of over the past few years, it is rare to read about an African American getting into newsworthy trouble here in Thailand. That may be because a far lower proportion choose to travel to Thailand, but my personal experience has been that the African Americans I have met here have been particularly friendly and well-mannered. Perhaps those who travel are more educated and have better jobs than those who do not - that would certainly be true of the white population in my home country - but it may also be that they are aware that they stick out more, it makes less sense to cause a ruckus when you can so easily be identified.

    I have found Americans in general be good, fun, decent people and, among those here, I have seen no significant difference between the ethnicities, they are all more characterized by being "American" than they are by their race. Perhaps that is changing as Americans become more intersectional and bitter, but I have not yet noticed that among the ones I meet here.

    I agree.. In fact, some of my best friends were black. I say they, were black, because they're all dead now having become victims of black on black crime. One fellow was killed when he sat in his car and some drugged up or drunk (who knows) black boy hit him in the head with a stone. Sad indeed, and you're right, all of their families are bitter. 

    • Sad 1
  3. 1 hour ago, donnacha said:

    It does not matter if he is Russian, Australian, American, British, or any other nationality. We mock him,

    now hold on a second... lets look at the recent news headlines as they pertain to American's committing crimes in foreign countries..  Two white boys in Italy (one crime), and one black boy in Thailand.. Whites in American are the majority of the population and blacks represent about 12% of the total population.. but we see black American tourist are committing 50% of the crimes in foreign countries. Thai Immigration should take notice to let the good guys in and keep the bad guys out...

    • Confused 1
  4. 57 minutes ago, bluesofa said:
      4 hours ago, curlylekan said:

    Does no one think that 50,000bht is a rip off for 3 windshields, if he is in fact guilty. My gf has had 3 cars repairs since we've been together, none of them have been close to one-third of 50,000bht.

    you're concerned he's being overcharged, and not that he's some lunatic walking down the street damaging property.. brilliant.


    58 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    I guarantee they get a new windshield and the work done for around 4,000 - 7,000bht

    you thoughtlessly speak disparagingly of the police and victims. unbelievable  


    • Like 2
  5. 53 minutes ago, Parsve said:

    Correct me if I am wrong, but as I remember it the whole idea of brexit was to stop, or take control of immigration and that to me looks a little bit like racism. 

    OK.. You're wrong. That you see controlling entry into any place, without having more information about why entry is controlled is racist and is a clear indicator of your own prejudice.

  6. 5 hours ago, Genmai said:

    I wonder what Buddha would have said about the people with their panties in a twist over a beautiful photo?


    Oh, I forgot - the prevalent religion here is a total perversion of the principal teachings of Buddha and is such a far cry from the original guidance that it shouldn't even bear his name. He even specifically told people not to build temples and to just walk the path instead. Now """monks""" deal dope, rape kids, get in fights on public transport, get drunk at parties and storm schools to molest underage students and punch teachers during exams, and basically sit around getting fat all day playing on their phone. Every time I go to Central I can spot at least one waddling about looking for a new phone. Meanwhile they get subsidized by overcharged dopey farangs on some enlightenment trip and Thais who think throwing a bit of money about will absolve them of any repercussions from stupid behavior. How is anyone with a brain supposed to respect any of this?


    Ask any Thai what their "training" consists of and you realize there is 0 incentive or enforcement in their "practice". If you want to see real Buddhism in this supposedly Buddhist country you have to go to a Vipassana meditation center.


    One of the few good things about the wats is free parking. I pay my taxes so feel freely entitled to use their parking and toilets. The other good thing is photoshoot locations. I sincerely hope the Brit doesn't cave in to this hypocritical hoity toity holier-than-thou BS we see so much from Thai people. 

    thank you for the lesson... Unfortunately, Buddha is not here today. instead we have people who are so enlightened they have no shame in judging others and those with no idea of why a temple is considered scared.

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