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Posts posted by Peasandmash

  1. There are some people who believe writing their name in a public place or nature site is the same as an ancient cave drawing. This speaks to the intellect of people who do these crimes. Give them a stiff sentence and a hefty fine. Then toss them over to their embassy for immediate expulsion.  If I were King I would have their parents publicly flogged for not doing a better job of raising their offspring prior to allowing them to be released from the comfort of Thai prison. Oh... if I were only King...

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  2. if the transgendered, gay, lmnop community? we're doing something like not using petroleum products to protest the way Islamic oil producing counties treat their tans/gay/whatever brothers and sisters they would have some credibility. When it's the spoiled American man in a dress asking for public tax dollars to build separate bathrooms it's clear the "community" is delusional.

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  3. They fly all the way from the UK to the magical Thai city of Chiang Mai. Gateway to the ancient Lanna culture renown for beauty, generosity and kindness. They see a can of spray paint and start <deleted>$king up the magnificent ancient wall that has kept the city safe for over 700 years. Then to further mock the countries laws as well as the Royal Thai Police they chose clothing with an inappropriate image when they admit their crime and appeal for mercy.  Too bad Buddhist don't perform crucifixions.

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