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Posts posted by Peasandmash

  1. 18 hours ago, Chicksaw said:

    Thanks, I did think of that but home is the US which I left more than 30 years ago. Pretty much no place to stay nor friends/relatives. Which is why I want to change my status here if possible.

    I am in a similar situation with places to stay in US. But I would seriously consider spending money on a Vegas holiday to qualify  for my visa over paying an agent for ? ? ?

  2. A lot of stuff here.

    I try to keep it all in perspective. And to be honest it can be challenging at times.

    It's one day a year I go to immigration. Maybe more if I want a certificate or leave the country, etc.

    800k baht.. Is it a lot of money? I'm grateful for what I have, I know there are many that have far less.

    Life presents situations that can be perceived as problems no matter where I live or what I have. Why should I use my energy to focus on these few things instead of the many things I do have. My health, enjoying the beautiful and tolerant Thai people and their wonderful country. Being able to actually see the air that I breath ????, etc, etc...

    Best Wishes..

    Sa wa dii pii mai


  3. On 3/29/2019 at 4:38 AM, Dean1953 said:

    If anyone knows of any gardeners that can cut grass and periodically trim trees for between 1,500 to 2,000 baht, in the Bo sang area, let me know.  If not, I’ll continue the search on my next trip to Chiangmai in about a year.

    You must have a very nice house on a beautiful piece of property.

  4. On 3/28/2019 at 2:44 AM, Duaned said:

    Does anyone know where too get 1 mg Xanax in Chiang Mai I don't want the 0.50 and at what hospital?

    in light of today's smoke, I'd also like to know where I can get the 1 mg xanax

  5. in some countries these folks would be taken on a short one-way trip where they would die of sudden lead poisoning. In America, they'll be given housing, food, health care, representation in domestic politics, preferential treatment for employment, and accolades from prominent social figures. America with all it's faults and all the rhetoric about the inequality of the free market system it employees remains the is the greatest country in the world, the envy of all other nations and the preferred home to nearly all the people the world. God bless America and God bless President Donald Trump.  I'd write more but I need to deposit my social security check, my dividend payments from the securities I hold in the New York Stock Exchange, and my pension check. Wooo Hooo!  

    • Haha 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    She would since she is the owner.

    Does the office you report to want one if you leave and reenter the country? Several do not want one unless you change your address.

    when i rented a new house i submitted the paperwork and not the owner. then when i went out of the country I again went to immigration and made the report of back in country. from these experiences i have the opinion immigration doesn't care who provides the report they just want the report. fwiw - both times cm immigration..

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, AndrewChinagmai said:

    I'm done with Thailand. Want to move to a new country where they'll value the dollars I spend in their economy. I can't afford elite visa. So, please don't suggest elite. I am single with a unsteady Thai GF. I know she will find a person when I leave her. 


    I am living in Thailand, mostly in Chiangmai, for the last seven years using tourist visas, extensions, and visa exempt. My online business generate around 1200USD

    You're most likely being being treated much better than what your meager contribution to the economy entitles you to. I've read absurd posts just like this so many times here. "I pay taxes here, I should be able to vote here" or "I spend a whopping $30-40 thousand baht a month here and I should receive special treatment". One word comes to mind when I read posts like this>>> Delusional.

    • Like 2
  8. On 3/21/2019 at 5:40 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

    The simple fact is that John McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be.


    John McCain was a war hero. He was an honourable man. He was a man who cared for others. He was a man who received respect because he earned it. He was a man of principle who stood for something other than his own selfish interests. He was a great, but flawed, man. 


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


    It is wrong to even mention these two men in the same post, but Mr Trump has a way of sullying everything around him...




    You're going off in a lot of directions here.

    1. McCain was everything Trump would like to be, but never, ever will be. - You have no idea about this and in light of Trumps success it would seem utterly wrong.

    2. He was a great, but flawed, man. - President Donald Trump is a great but flawed man. I'm not great, but I'm flawed. You are not great and certainly you qualify as flawed. What the heck is your point with this? 

    3. President Donald Trump reached out to N.Korea while every President before him only pointed weapons at this country. As President Lincoln once said, "the best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend". President Trump gets no accolades from the doves only more hate. Why would a dove not choose peace over war?


    That you don't like Trump is more a reflection of your own thinking than that of any valid arguments. If McCain would have been President someone like you would have been a hater of McCain. The majority of Trump haters are simpletons, the minority are wealth mongering status seekers.

  9. 10 hours ago, lucky2008 said:

    Beside the 35baht per kg mangos I really can't convince myself why I should make Chiang Mai my home indefinitely. 


    After how polluted I've seen the air these past couple weeks, I'm really considering relocating. To some this air issue might be nothing, but for me it's really a big deal. 


    6 hours ago, lucky2008 said:

    Hmm..  I always liked Homers Simpson's way of thinking. 

    I read you are only staying in Chiangmai because mangos are 35 baht/kg. This price will not remain the same indefinitely. So why would you plan to make your home here indefinitely?


    I read you to say air quality is very important to you. Clearly, living in the city that has the world's worst air wasn't a good choice to begin with. In fact, it was the worst possible choice of all the cities in the world to live in. And there is nothing new about poor air quality in Chiangmai.


    So either you're not accurately expressing yourself or your logic is faulty.


    Homer Simpson is funny. 

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