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Posts posted by Peasandmash

  1. Applying for the elite visa is easy, quick and very affordable. You may even be able to do it online. My $0.02,  go that route, your problem is solved ? and you don't have to worry about this kinda stuff again, at least for awhile. fwiw, while you may not know today that you'll stay in thailand for 5 years, you also don't know that you won't so don't worry so much about the future. We only live in the present moment?

    Welcome to Thailand...


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  2. too funny. you lose weight to be healthy and prevent illness then concern yourself with your looks. don't be so vain. all that really matters is the type of person you are. anyone who would say your looks or opinion are more important than the example you make is not worth listening to. congrats on sticking with it. 

  3. a car wash for the princely sum of 150 baht and they claim to be professional. 

    i remain enamored with the average Thai worker who must tolerate the ignorance and arrogance of their farang customer.

    thank you Thai people for your accommodation while I enjoy your wonderful country at rock bottom prices.

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