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Everything posted by greenmonkey

  1. is it standard practice these days for the Thai Post Office to ask what the letter is about? Nothing would surprise me these days but surely that cannot be standard procedure can it? Can someone confirm?
  2. racist... i'm undecided but probably not. Rude and insensitive.... most definitely!!! Sounds like a bit of an idiot to me.
  3. Quote: The mother also said that the motorist offered an apology for “causing a waste of time” to the students and their parents, but did not ask about their condition when they met at the police station. I think I would have knocked the guy out if that is what he'd said to me.
  4. Disgusting disgusting disgusting behaviour... maybe not in this case but often the drivers are at schools to pick up their own kids and still drive like this (maybe not as bad but will drive with very little regard to the childrens safety). A few years back I had to jump off the footpath because a driver didn't want to queue at the crossing behind cars, and so drove at the very edge of the road and on the walking path to bypass the cars that were waiting. I had to jump off the road to avoid being hit. I couldn't believe it. Seen countless cars driving at speed in busy school areas. I just don't get this mindset... i really don't. It's like, 'I only care about my kids and couldn't care less about anyone elses'.
  5. geez, and i thought we had to jump thru hoops for the marriage visa!
  6. ha! I was worried about this happening to me so I always make sure to change my shirt for every pic (but still take on the same day).
  7. you have got to be kidding!!! Firstly, having a photo outside your kids school is a new one on me... i never had to do this... and to send you away for the sign not being legible is absolutely taking the p%ss!!! Please tell me what office are you using?? I'm sure this is not standard (pic outside your child's school).
  8. the accused has admitted that she beat her (she isn't making it up).
  9. many are doubting the accusers story saying why didn't she do this or do that or simply quit.... ridiculous! This lady was obviously very frightened and she had very good reason to be. The accused is a corporal in the police and is also the wife/mistress of a senator. For someone with no money or connections the accuser must have been completely gripped with fear. Thailand can be a very dangerous place. I know that I would not want to get on the wrong side of a police officer. I have read in the Bangkok Post that the accused has admitted to all the charges but is trying to claim that she behaved in this way due to mental illness (i.e. she has a doctors note).
  10. yeah its happened to me before... people in front decide to stand at the top of the exculator so I had to shout and shove them out of the way... brain dead some of these people. I am guessing that in this instance the people coming up and seeing their paths blocked were too 'polite' or stupid to shove them out of the way.
  11. you can talk til you are blue in the face telling people here not to invest as it is a ponzi scheme and they simply will not have it. So many times my wife's family will tell us that they are involved in something like this and that we should get on board (obviously MLM) too... we hear about how great it is and I will explain how these things work (i.e. ponzi scheme = losing all your money) and they look at me like I am crazy. Everytime they will choose to ignore any advice given and instead entrust their cash to a complete stranger! Unbelievable. And the reason these culprits will not be allowed to flee is not because the officials want to punish them and get the money back to the public... the officials simply want their share. The public that lost their money will not see a penny back!
  12. no doubt this guy has done wrong but I do not like the way he is being treated whilst the captain of the boat is barely even mentioned. It is outright xenophobia. Maybe I should post the video I took a couple years back of a boat load of Thai tourists being taken out into a protected marine park, music blaring, everyone jumping into the sea standing on and trampling all over the corals. See if that gets the same kinda reaction!
  13. the police were fighting tooth and nail to get this corporal off... about a year back the corporal completely changed his story (recanting his confession) saying that he was no longer guilty and had broken up a fight between two parties...there were stories of new witnesses coming forward explaining that they saw the corporal intervening to stop a fight and accidently injuring the vendor in the process. And all this web of lies created (by the police) despite a video clearly showing the corporal point the gun and shoot the vendor at point blank!!! Honestly, you could not make this s@?t up!!!! Now, he is given 25 years with 20 years to pay compensation... makes me wonder if a deal has been done, something along the lines of go to jail, do one or two years jail time and don't bother paying any compensation. You'll be out, scot-free with all your money at the age of 27. Deal!
  14. it must be tough for the OP to see this guy's children being swindled out of their inheritance. I can understand why it would make him so upset. Whatever you decide to do OP i wish you good luck!
  15. They all deserve to get into trouble but personally i think the captain of the boat should shoulder the majority of the blame. He is in charge of that boat and should know the laws of the land/sea. Surely he should have told the guy immediately that he could not catch those fish. Do we know where the farang guy got the spear gun from? Would be interesting to know...
  16. Getting lazy to travel into town and back for a game of pool... is there anywhere to play pool in Nonthaburi? So far I have only come across snooker halls... you would think that some of them might stick one pool table in the corner but no... only snooker!
  17. is he handing the compensation to the families in the form of big oversized cheques in front of camera's or would that be crass, insensitive and inappropiate?
  18. ...she waited for the ex-boyfriend to finish donating food to the monks before murdering him. It's not looking good for this lady I have to say!
  19. its amazing how many drivers here do not change their driving to match the conditions on the road.
  20. ... i had exactly the same thought as you.... i think they were stressing how bad the rainfall was as if this is to be blamed rather than the driver of the truck.
  21. I have just come out of the other side of a very bad period of insomnia brought on by anxiety (caused by the whole covid situation i.e. lockdowns/stress/overthinking/worrying about covid etc). All in all, I'd say it lasted about a year. Probably the worst year of my life. In an nutshell, I started experiencing hypnic jerks (when you jolt awake just at the point of sleep). I was experiencing these all through the night to the point where I would actually get zero sleep many nights. It was like torture. The doc prescribed me lorozepam to help me sleep (which they did help with) roll forward 6/7 months and I was hooked on the anxiety pills. Was a vicious circle, needed the pills to sleep but the pills are highly addictive causing many side effects and leading to more anxiety leading to interupted sleep patterns. Once I had researched the symptoms/cause of my insomnia I was able to figure out myself how to get rid of it whilst weening myself off of the lorozepam which I managed to do. Not a pleasant time I have to say. For anyone who is considering turning to anxiety pills such as lorozepam to combat insomnia I would offer one word of advice... DON'T! Insomnia is almost always caused by stress and anxiety. Once you can address the anxiety and find ways to alleviate it... you will sleep better.
  22. The owner said that he advised the group that the dishes would be expensive and that they insisted on ordering... at this point did it not occur to either party to talk numbers or at least get a rough idea of prices? Have to say... sounds very odd!
  23. hmmnn i think people here are too quick to commend the lady for her actions,and also too quick to label the ex-boyfriend a wife beater. i don't agree with any form of violence against women or anyone else for that matter. But i think there is more to this story... she admits that the guy asked her to leave the house and live somewhere else... and she went to this guys place of work with a weapon and shot him 4 times. How do we not know that this guy is perfectly innocent and had had enough of this lady's <deleted> and threw her out!? All's I am saying is maybe people should not be too quick to judge...
  24. ...exactly! What's even more worrying about this story is the fact that the husband's relative and/or the husband knew that the kid had eaten the hash brownie and chose not to say anything at first allowing the kid to go to school... unbelievable! No wonder the mother is worried about receiving bad press over this!
  25. yeah that surprised me too. People say that Thailand's roads are so dangerous because the police not policing and yet in the USA the police are 'policing' (or so I am guessing) and still many accidents. Any Americans here that can shed some light on why/how the USA got third? Be interested to know...
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