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Tounge Thaied

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Posts posted by Tounge Thaied

  1. 1 minute ago, unheard said:

    How you looked up the list of available ASQ facilities?

    There are simply no available rooms to accommodate many thousands of property owners under the rules of quarantine isolation.

    Unless the quarantine requirement is eliminated there is no available capacity under current mechanisms.

    It seems to me the same effort that went into determining the current list of hotels accommodating could be employed once again to add more capacity. It just seems to me pretty straight forward. But I am not in that position of course... add more hotels, what is the problem?

  2. 16 minutes ago, unheard said:

    That is strictly a measure of priorities.

    If you think that you should have the same "right" to see your condo as a parent of a Thai child to see his family then that believe is not shared by the majority.

    I don't look at it as a moral issue. I look at it as a logistical issue. If the mechanisms are in place and can be done... then it should be allowed. Why exclude the condo owner? 

  3. 15 hours ago, andre47 said:


    1. Not the government is selling the condos. The government decides about the immigration rules.

    2. Nobody had any knowledge about the virus at the time of the purchase deal.

    So...where is the scam?

    I agree with the OP.

    Maybe scam is not the right word. The point is purchasing a condo certainly does include rules set forth by the "government". So the government is certainly involved and Ownership should (my opinion) confer at least the same dispensation as those being allowed in right now. If business people, work permit holders, PR holders, Non- O family, etc., are able to be managed adequately back in during this time period, then persons who have made a commitment to Thailand by purchasing a condo should also be allowed in. If I purchase a condo and I live in it full time and then get told you cannot come back home... that is like getting scammed yes BY THE GOVERNMENT who is not letting me back in. Yes it is a crisis, but again, at this time the "emergency" is over. There should be no problem adding more hotels onto that ASQ list to accommodate the few more that this would apply too.. 

    • Like 1
  4. We've got a pretty good thread going here... you may find your answer there. A copy and paste from one of the posts. 


    Also, relative to the US only, the Embassy has been clear that the only option for transport (in July at least) is via one of the scheduled repat flights that are currently planned.. They operate almost weekly, usually on Saturdays, and usually from LAX, JFK, ORD and IAD..  Korean Air and Asiana are the most common airlines used, but there are some Cathay Pacific flights and JAL as well.. Each day fights do operate, there is a daily cap of 200 total people - spread across all the repat flights that operate on that day (not 200 per flight)


    In most cases, if you don't live in that city where your repat flight departs from (ie LAX, JFK, ORD, IAD) you have to buy a separate ticket and make your own way to the departure gateway city - and at your risk if the flight/bus/train etc that you chose, is late and due to their lateness you miss the repat flight.  Most people have been given a list of travel agents to contact to arrange, choose and pay for their repat flight... Once you have done so, you get a receipt and that's one of the 4 documents you'll need to upload before the CoE is cut... the ASQ paid booking, covid test and fit2fly being the other 3."


    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, vision said:

    I used a company called Insubuy: https://www.insubuy.com/

    Whoever you get you will need to ensure they will give you a letter that will explicitly say that it covers Covid and the amount of 100K USD.

    The below list was offered to me by an agent at the LA Consulate:


    Health Insurance Policy Requirement (Statement must show the following)

    1. Must provide coverage of at least $100,000US

    2. Must indicate coverage includes COVID-19 treatment(s)

    3. Must indicate policy provides coverage in Thailand

    4. Must be valid for the duration of your stay


    The following is not an endorsement or recommendation for any particular company. The information only serves as a sample of companies which were used by other applicants. The information in parentheses pertains to whether or not the companies were able to provide a statement showing acceptable proof of coverage meeting the requirements above.

    Allianz Care (statement did not specify coverage amount, COVID-19 coverage, coverage in Thailand, and duration of coverage)

    Trawick International (statement met requirements)

    Seven Corners (statement met requirements)

    Thai Setakij Insurance Public Company Ltd. (Thai company) (statement met requirements but the company might not issue the policy for the duration of your stay as required)

    Pacific Cross Health Insurance PCL (Thai company)

    GeoBlue Travel Insurance (statement met requirements)

    TripMate – World Nomads (statement did not specify COVID-19 coverage or confirm coverage in Thailand)

    AIG Travel Guard (policy does not state COVID-19 coverage)

    AETNA (applicants report it is difficult to obtain a policy statement that satisfies the COE requirements)

    Kaiser (applicants report it is difficult if to obtain a policy statement that satisfies the COE requirements)

    Excellent! Thanks for this reply. I suspect this will be helpful for many in our current situation. 

  6. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    I think that statement is an error and should  state if not in Thai or English. It is a  official Thai consulate so they certainly have staff that can read Thai. I am not aware of any embassy or official consulate wanting documents in Thai translated.

    Ahh... Ok. That would make sense. Translation would only be required if NOT in Thai or English. Thanks for the reply Joe. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    with the caveat that the UK requirements could be different from elsewhere

    I have read elsewhere that it very much is dependent which embassy, even for example here in the states, D.C., Chicago or L.A. does make a difference. But your update Richard certainly shows the same core documents with some added updates thanks for your post. I think the bottom line is you just have to start the process where you are at and drudge through what ever the process is. Now consider how the requirements and process are likely to change as we move through time. It's all maddening for sure. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, unheard said:

    An advisory regarding legalization of the documents?

    It is surely not applicable to the application form.

    The copies of documents they ask on the application go straight to Bangkok.

    Yeah take a look at the link... it's in the section outlining the actual VISA itself...

    * All supporting materials that are not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations
      and certified by an Consulate only


  9. Just now, unheard said:

    Passport copies (yours and wife's), a copy of the marriage certificate, an insurance letter with a policy description, a contact in Thailand and their address, your travel plans...

    They don't ask for Fit to Fly or Covid-19 test results when you initially apply.

    Just open up the form - you'll see the required fields.

    Ok. Thanks for the reply. This is what I thought, but I have not gone through the form yet. Good to know what they are asking for for the initial now I can get those together. One more question. The advisory at the L.A. website indicated that all documents needed to be translated to English. I was wondering if our Marriage certificate or her Thai I.D. needed to be officially translated? Maybe later?

  10. 1 minute ago, unheard said:

    Applied via the online form.

    About a week later they've asked to update my application with a letter from my insurance company with a statement indicating that it covers Covid-19.

    I've submitted what they wanted and heard nothing since then.

    As you went through the online form... what were you required to provide? Of the listed documents, what were you required to provide in this initial application?

  11. Where are you applying? Your response is about what I thought was going to happen. Begin the process online... then you get inundated with corrections that are not timely responded to. Such is how it goes with any governmental procedure it seems right now. I am in the same situation you are. I have been watching closely to see when a good time would be to apply. Looks pretty daunting... I am here on the west coast of the States and here are the requirements through L.A. 


  12. 20 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

    I will pass this on to the family's of the 130,000 dead and rising daily its all in their heads. All those news clips in the hospitals were filmed on a stage in Hollywood by the dark government.

    You do realize that many of those 130,000 dead were going to die anyway. In America, doctors are required to put a "R/O" (rule out) diagnosis of covid if they have symptoms. Many are never given a proper post mortem to validate if the patient ACTUALLY died of covid and not there heart disease, or their cancer, or there COPD etc. etc. 

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  13. Here is what we call COMMON SENSE folks... You know that thing that is obvious before you, that EVERYONE can, if they do it, recognize it. That thing we call THE TRUTH. 


    Stop listening to the now defunct mainstream media and do some of your OWN observations. 


    Let's keep it real simple shall we, the more you test for something, the more numbers you will have. Thailand's numbers are low because they are not testing in large amounts. America is testing nearly everyone. Places like Sweden's numbers are low, they are not testing everyone. Consider this... as we approach the next influenza A and B season, we could simply test EVERYONE and create a pandemic. That's right the regular flu can easily be called a WORLD-WIDE pandemic.


    If I wanted to create a real pandemic, I would test for Herpes... now you've got a real WORLD-WIDE pandemic. Nearly 60% of the global population has that virus. Admittedly not as deadly... but you get the point.  Here is the real take away folks...

    THERE IS NO EMERGENCY... And it has been this way from the beginning. Thailand didn't lock down for 2 months, and was receiving direct persons from throughout China... and NO EMERGENCY. Go to any hospital anywhere on this planet... that's right, NO EMERGENCY. And when there is no REAL emergency happening, you have to ask yourself why are our governments locking us down?

    • Confused 1
  14. 18 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    Texas reports another daily record, and the governor urges residents to stay home.
    Texas on Tuesday reported another daily record — more than 5,000 new infections  — prompting renewed warnings from Gov. Greg Abbott, who urged residents to stay home in an interview with the television station KBTX.

    “Because the spread is so rampant right now, there is never a reason for you to have to leave your home unless you do need to go out,” he said. “The safest place for you is at your home.”

    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/23/world/coronavirus-updates.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

    Solution... stop testing. Problem solved. Guaranteed the numbers will go down. You're welcome!

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