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ivor bigun

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  1. when it rains like that i know where not to drive.
  2. will they be pressing charges for rape? or were the two tins of dog food enough compensation?
  3. Driving down beach rd the other day ,two indians just put out their hands for us to stop so they could cross ,.no manners ,not wanted in Thailand .
  4. Oh and when will the pigs fly?
  5. its over ,we voted for Brexit whether you like it or not ,even Labour said this week there will not be another vote,so please get over it ,and stop going on and on and on and on. get a life remainers ,
  6. Obama isnt the president of America,so who cares what he says
  7. we voted to leave ,give it a bloody rest ,its over .????
  8. cant we house pensioners there instead?oh i forgot they paid their taxes and worked all their lives ,they dont count.
  9. a load of stupid idiots with nothing better to do with their lives
  10. doubt the rest of the planet ,ever since man evolved would agree.
  11. big c pattaya
  12. I love vegan food ,you can always find it on the shelves for half price as nobody wants it ,not suprised ,overpriced rubbish
  13. welcome to modern Britain,guess who rules there now
  14. so my wifeand son and myself are the dregs of humanity as we live on the outskirts of Pattaya ,same for my other married friends ,? i never knew that.
  15. I am so lucky in the fact my wifes family are not to badly off and have never asked for money ,or needed it .also my wife is quite imtelemgent ,and when working had good jobs .also our son now runs a company and has the mortgage on our home.
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