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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. islam was not even invented until the 7th century . The Jews invented God it was their religion ,then Christians came along 2000 yrs ago ,followed 700 years later by Muslims ,
  2. when i first came here oh so long ago ,i thought being a young man in 60s london i had slept with so many good looking girls , but coming here to the chocolate factory i didnt just have a few chunks i ate the whole bloomin bar .
  3. a doctor in a leading hospital in England said today that every patient in icu with covid was unvacinated ,its in the daily mail online .
  4. watched the first episode ,just dont know ,its all over the place , acting ok ,just strange
  5. what a difference in the UK ,IT WOULD TAKE YEARS TO GET YOU OUT (IF THEN) AND ALL FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYER . i actually knew a Thai girl this happened to ,she is back there now and working after 2 years back here in Thailand
  6. Just reading the UK papers it says that it has peaked ,its less severe and at least 33% of people in hospital with omicron were admited with another problem ,and thats in the Daily Mail which has been screaming we are all doomed ,for ages .
  7. Hit and miss ,last month arrived in seconds ,this month be here on teusday .sent yesterday .
  8. thats funny ? is it just me or does anyone else find it boreing?
  9. Does anyone know if its possible to download the complete series of 1833 its great ,someone posted tinyzonetv ,went there but still only 3 episodes.
  10. I have read so many times that this show is funny ,and i have tried it quite a few times ,but cant see anything funny in this guy ,i must be missing something as its been going so long .
  11. There are some good new shows ,its just i dont think its right that they shoehorn people into shows just to"tick a box" like making historical people black ,and that does not mean i dont like black actors ,Luther is one of my favourite cop series ,again i dont like it that they shoehorn in same sex married couples 2 of my cousins are gay and live with their partners ,the same when they put in "disabled" actors again to tick a box rather than as a genuine part of the show( sorry dont have any disabled friends or family ). That is the problem i have with many of the new tv series. but then i suppose i grew up in a different era ,when tv and film was there to entertain ,not to preach.
  12. funny i lived in London in the 60s and even then you rarely saw black people ,except in places like Brixton . new series of Agatha Raisin is out ,not up to her old series but not bad ,
  13. dont know why its been canned ,watched the first 3 episodes ,its a great tv series
  14. my wife loves to read ,very rarely watches tv , she started with books that had been converted to Thai and as her English got better started to read them ,only Thai woman i know who has Jamie Oliver cookbooks .lol her favourite stories were Agatha Christie,
  15. the original series were great ,getting a little long in the tooth now ,but still watchable .
  16. Nothing was ever said about that ,but she also said that their mum was a right cow as well, have you tried Holby Blue if you like British cop series ,i had never heard of it ,but its really good ,if you like that sort of thing ,
  17. back in the late 60s i was going out with a girl/woman who was in school with them she was a few years younger ,she said they were a right pair of nasty boys even in school. ,anyway back to tv ,just been watching Vienna blood ,crime in the early 1900s in Vienna its not bad .
  18. started my life in sales ,always done it one way or another ,never been fired ,but one time my partner and i were threatened ,some business people we worked with sometimes ,sorted it out ???? most times ,i have been offered work ,lucky i suppose that or i was a good salesman.
  19. had my third shot last week ,whats the problem?
  20. Ive always had a great life ,done what i pleased been married a few times friends with my ex wives and the one i never married but lived with for many years ,have a daughter in the UK who i love to bits and talk to most days , luckily i always seemed to come out on top no matter what i did ,was quite well known in one field i was involved in ,then about 26 yrs ago met "the one" through business in Bangkok ,we lived in the UK have a son ,and then decided to come back here ,getting on now but life is good ,hope it lasts a lot longer . 9 out of 10 it would have been 10 out of 10 but for some health problems along the way.
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