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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. The only ones not wearing masks here in Pattaya are falangs ,hardly saw one wearing one while out shopping yesterday , as for tourists,sorry what are they ,its been so long since we saw any ,ive forgotten what they look like ,as for Tesco N Pattaya yesterday it was almost deserted , and everywhere ,seems to be shuttered up .
  2. yes sorry its not a dedicated heart hospital ,but its a busy hospital but good
  3. Has my monthly visit to the heart doc ,its an extremely busy place and you need a Thai to help you,but i have been there a few yrs ago when i had my heart attack and it was very good ,today i had my blood tests ,a months supply of 7 of my heart meds and my consultation with the heart doctor ,ive always used my pink card ,dont let anyone tell you ,that its not cheaper for us ,oh yes ,the whole lot cost me 980 baht . go there if you can ,
  4. oh stop with your constant moaning ,you lost get over it ,we aint joining again .
  5. as long as the baht stays higher than 40 to the pound ,i try not to worry to much ,but i hate to think what the future holds for my grandkids in the UK ,mind you its a foreign country already ,compared to when i was young there.
  6. so many just keep a home address and get everything sent there ,you paid in all your life .
  7. i hope not ,1000 times i hope not.
  8. if my car driving licence expires ,can i still drive a car?for some time
  9. thanks ,just what i wanted as i lost the old one ,i have all the required documents ,lets hope it goes smoothly ,as i am as not as strong as i was last year ,luckily my wife is quite switched on ,an her mate the lawyer she checks everything for us .
  10. i lost my list ,wonder if someone could post a new one,i was married abroad ,but have all the required papers ,also my wifes besty is a lawyer ,could she take the paperwork to immigration?
  11. i see the pension rise is over 10pc
  12. not a lot ,but boy have we been happy here.
  13. So many live here on a govt pension ,that goes nowhere in the UK.
  14. although my pension dies with me ,my wife will have no problems thank goodness and our son runs a company so very well paid ,
  15. I would hate to be a pensioner in Britain,how they survive i dont know ,at least here we are warm ,well fed ,can afford a car and dont get charged gigantic bills for everything ,like back home .
  16. if someone was wearing a badge saying they /them would it be wrong to say excuse me they/them , because if they had a badge that said miss ,i would say excuse me miss?
  17. I grew up i Britain before mass immigration ,it was a great place ,so easy so free of mass violence, so much has changed ,so many immigrants who will not integrate ,young people who expect everything , police who seem to do very little,on and on .prison is now more like a holiday camp . so glad i was not born now.
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