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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. To be honest i have not even bothered reading most of this ,the sort of Thai people i have known for 25 yrs would not even contemplate sending their wife out to hustle , the vast majority of Thais i have met have been decent ,all the ones living around us are also well off.
  2. well the wife tried everything on my phone ,in the end this morning went back to the stadium in Pattaya,asked the girl on the desk downstairs ,no you cant get it back if you have lost it ,maybe if you go to the hospital and ask a doctor ,yadda yadda yadda ,so the wife asked the lady that was at the entrance to where you sit after a shot ," yes no problem ,they chated for 5 minutes as she sorted it out and got it back straight away . onlything my booster which i had on the 20th has not showed up yet ,but she said it will eventually ,so fingers crossed . thanks for your replies .
  3. I had the mor prom app and got two az vacs on it ,then i lost the app ,went and got my booster in Pattaya gave my pink card no ,no problem ,but as i no longer have the mor prom app i cant download it ,when i try to put the app back on line ,it says i am registered but then asks my password and tel no ,but says they are wrong ,well they are the ones i used ,any ideas would be appreciated.
  4. now who was it that married a 6 year old ,i believe billions of people follow him, what we as westerners cant grasp is that it is quite the norm in many countrys .
  5. Just a thought ,but Mary the mother of Jesus was a virgin ,yet she and her husband Joseph got to the stable when she was 9 months pregnant , so that means that they had not made love so did he marry her when pregnant? and then after her giving birth ,did ne then start making love to her to get his other children?
  6. Mind you these days the woke minority seem to have largest say. while being in the minority . by the way who amongst you does really believe that there is a God?
  7. the wife was watching this on the news the other day ,their money was stolen ,not lost ,the bank should be liable it was their employee who stole it under the guise of the bank , if they do not take responsabilaty ,what is to stop them saying next time you deposite money"oh sorry the manager did not deposite it but stole it ,nothing to do with us"
  8. glad you liked it ,your no 2 now ???? gosh it was awful
  9. Just watching 1883 ,its a prequel to Yellowstone i believe ,wow ,i am really taken by it ,its the best thing i have watched for a long time ,
  10. When i started the thread i thought it would be dead after a page or so ,but like God it doesnt want to die , and i must admit ,i find what is said very interesting . nobody it seems can agree in religion ,was it Jesus or the warlord Mohamed who was sent by God ,also it seems the Jews are still waiting for their prophet to come.
  11. Some people believe the earth is flat ,some believe we have only existed for 6 thousand years .but then some people believe that mass immigration of people from underdeveloped lands is good for the UK . so why not believe in a sky fairy that was invented by the Jews ,taken on by Christians and then ,used by the Muslims. i wonder if the dinasours believed in anything?
  12. when you sit you are placed on chairs with one empty in between then you go down to get your jab and you must leave at least 6 inches between you and the next in line ????
  13. i have had the same as you ,but they are now advising a 4th jab ,not sure how long after.
  14. well it was busy but going in for marriage was quick ,just she was a pain in the but ,as i had not spent any money since last year except the 2k i took out in the morning ,had to go back to the bank and get a different letter ? ,anyway its done immigration police came a few days ago ,didnt even come in again this year ,just a few picks in the garden .
  15. 2 az ,just got a phizer booster 3 days ago ,so what should be the 4th and when?
  16. ps my arm is sore where i had the shot ,but so far no other symptoms , fingers crossed
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