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ivor bigun

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Everything posted by ivor bigun

  1. Are you not registered with a govt hospital? the costs are far far cheaper and you get just as good a service ,just slower and not as comfortable as private.
  2. Astra Zenica is a very good vaccine ,do your homework ,also if a booster is johnson it is very very good.
  3. My mechanic comes to our house picks up the car and delivers it back ,checks the car free if we go to his garage ,a full service costs about 700 baht ,oil extra , we purchased a new water heater the other week ,we beat the instalers back home by about 20 mins ,they fitted it took away the old one ,all free ,in England it would have cost more for the fitting than the heater.
  4. nearly hit one yesterday ,he overtook on the inside then cut straight across me and shot through the lights as they went to red ,so many of them drive like this ,
  5. whenever i have gone to the UK to see family i have a great time ,in fact we used to live there ,but cant wait to get back home to Thailand ,
  6. just back from town here in Pattaya,went to Central which was quite busy ,but with locals walking about ,not a tourist in sight ,anyway why would anyone come everything is closed that tourists would visit. yesterday we did our shop in BIG C central ,the wife commented how few Thais were shopping ,the only ones seemed to be with their Falang husbands /boyfriends ,
  7. just watching bloomberg and there was a report from Africa that although it is more transmissable all those unfacinated addmited to hospital so far have not been any more ill than usual , make of that what you will
  8. luckily our son went to school in england until he was 12 so speaks English fluently , when he applied for a job running a company 3 years ago ,the Boss who is Asian said that he did not realize our son was "British" ,he got the job.
  9. no its full of immigrants who do not want to integrate, thats why .
  10. I have checked the internet from top to bottom to find someone who has been prosecuted ,but cannot find anyone ,can you give a link to someone who has ?
  11. you cant say that ,my God , its plus size please ,you would have the young in the UK running for their safe space.????
  12. When i came here 16 yrs ago ,i applied for health insurance ,i had had heart problems in my 30s so they were not covered ,plus some other things not covered and they wanted 39k a month , i didnt bother,so far the premiums if they had stayed the same (unlikely) i would have paid 624000k. last year had a minor heart attack ,1 night in private 52k .then with all my tests and another 2 stays in hospital(govt) 6 nights in all plus an angiogram and scan and x ray plus all my meds for the last year about 80k ,so so far winning . ps as i do have a pink card i was told i pay Thai price .
  13. We were just in Lotus and there was a sign saying "tourists welcome back ,a hundred baht off your purchases ,just show your passport to get a card" i asked the girl how many cards they had given out to tourists ,she just smiled and said none .
  14. Correct Transam ,its about God,i just cannot understand how with so much knowledge in the world about the origins of man and how planets are formed ,how anyone can believe that God created it and that his son was born on our planet out of all the billions in the univereses. mind you it must be great to believe that when you die you will see all your loved ones ,.but then as i have been married a few times and have a mother and a stepmother ,it might get a bit crowded at our eventual reunion ..
  15. season 3 just finished what we do in the shadows.
  16. The other day we were driving down beach road ,all of a sudden the wife shouted out ,"LOOK TWO TOURISTS' i was amazed as well first two falang tourists (you can always tell) that i had seen for so long . to those who say that all the retirees will return home ,Why would they most of us here now are married with homes and familly ,if tourists dont return to be honest it means zilch to us .although i do feel so sorry for the workers
  17. I am going to have to stop eating them ,my blood pressure is now just to low ,today 91/56
  18. try almonds ,they lower bp so i have read ,also cheap and good for you.
  19. Have had heart problems for over 40 yrs , take bp tablets my average bp is about 110/60
  20. I loved the series afterlife ,saw it years ago ,just finished the Chestnut man , very good really enjoyed it ,watched it with subtitles ,thanks for whoever recomended it , by the way afterlife is on P.B . JUST DOWNLOADED SERIES 1 TOOK 8 MINUTES . going to rewatch it
  21. The main problem with a bean bag is if i sat in one ,i wouldnt be able to get out again.lol.
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