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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. I think the days of mass tourism from other countrys is over for now ,what with all the problems in the west and the far to strong baht,Pattaya has become like many British seaside towns ,a place where people go for a day out,for the beach ,the malls and just to have a picnic etc ,hence the masses of traffic at the week ends. As for tourism ,welcome the the new lot ,just all in tours ,everything supplied.

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  2. Came here by accident really,i liked it came back a few times in a short period,got ito business in BKK,eventually met my now wife ,we were courting for a year and she came to the UK for months,and stayed with me and my family,eventually married,i was still back and for ,eventually we came back to live here ,my family have all visited us ,as we have visited them.

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  3. I wouldn't dispute that in the slightest, many from both sides of the fence will have changed their position on various aspects of the whole situation.
    Obviously there is only one way to find out how many and which way.
    MiL = abbreviation of previous reference to mother in law.
    Thanks for letting me know what a mil was,thought perhaps it was some new sort of sex.lol

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    • Haha 2
  4. "I honestly feel sorry for everybody who chooses to mock God because there will be severe penalties for that person and God will make that person eat those words." 
    And here was me thinking God was"all forgiving" not the sort that would punish you just because you did not believe.
    By the way how do you know he will make"that person eat those words" did he tell you ?

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  5. The OP  starts with "It has fasinated me for years that people can believe in god and that Jesus was born to his virgin mother . " so obviously he is talking about a biblical god.
    But he does conclude with "Do you really believe in him or any of the other Gods ?
    There are 130 pages of replies and I cant posible read all of them , so if somewhere you have explained that you believe on a different god/gods I cant be blamed for missing it.
    The only thing I know about your definition of god is "God is what one feels within" if that's the case then god is a pepperoni pizza because I have indigestion :tongue:
    Yes i was talking about " a biblical God" but i truly think many people need this so that they can comfort themselves with believing that they dont just turn to dust when its all over.
    It must be great to really believe that you will see mum and dad and your wife and kids( or in my case a few wives) when you die ,but i reckon as far back as men started to think they have worshiped something ,even if it was only the moon.
    Its just we all need something in our lives ,God and Jesus are just handy.

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  6. Those who go on about God being the one ,well before the Jews came along and started the " God"religion nobody had ever heard of him or worshiped him ,they had "Gods" but there were hundreds of them .
    The Jews started it ,the Christians took another path ,and then the muslims came
    along and took bits of both the religions added a bit and well started islam.

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  7. What are you talking about? It's not the strength of the baht it's the pound that's on it's arse. Brits have BJ, Farage and their pals to blame for that. Once the UK is out of the EU with no deal come Halloween then it's only getting worse. 
    I take it you are a remainer trying to add to project fear. If you bothered to look at the currency charts like normal people not fearmongers do you will see that all currencies are way down on the baht,i do agree that the uncertainty at the moment over Brexit is a further factor ,but wait and see what happens ,no deal it seems has already been factored in by the money markets.

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