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Mike Teavee

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  1. Not everybody's (including mine) cup of tea but if the LGBTQ side of it doesn't take over the whole of the storyline then I for one am happy to watch along... It's when the LGBTQ side of things takes over the story that I tend switch off... Sorry, but I have absolutely no interest in other's sexuality, much prefer a decent whodunit 🙂
  2. Cab Savs give me a raging hang-over & 19 Crimes is (for me) particularly "Offensive" (as in raging hangover next day, it's an easy drink), but my Brother & Mother both swear by it as it's one of their regular tipples. Too each their own, I get on much better with a nice Barolo, D'asti, D'alba, Malbec, Merlot (probably in that order) & would move on to the Whites before I got to Cab Sav (Though I'd drink my own p155 before a Rose).
  3. Thanks Jim, have saved that for our next trip to Hua Hin (GF has family there). FWIW I found Grab to be excellent in Hua Hin though think Bolt is a better choice in Pattaya.
  4. Sorry I didn't attend the Webinar & assumed it was held within the past couple of days as the Video only went up this morning so was giving them the benefit of the doubt. I have had a good trawl through the site & the only potentially interesting article I can see regarding Capital gains is again about Crypto https://www.expattaxthailand.com/cryptocurrency-tax-thailand/ I don't really see a difference between Gains made on Crypto, Shares, bottles of wine etc... so would assume that the rules would be the same when it comes to calculating the Gain but it would be nice to see that documented somewhere officially. Edit: Interesting that the article quotes Section 40 (4) (h) but when I look at the TRD English site it only goes up to 40 (4) (g)... https://www.rd.go.th/english/37749.html
  5. He did say in this video that he would look to email out the TRD documentation & add it to the website, Video was only released today so might take a couple of days to get it on there. Although this article is aimed at "Digital Assets" it does say that FIFO & Average Cost should be used for Capital gains... https://drkilaw.com/index.php/component/spsimpleportfolio/item/28-b-thailand-s-digital-asset-tax From a much older article it looks like if you physically held the share certificates then you would use the cost of the certificates you settle the trade with, if you hold the assets electronically (Scripless) then you could use FIFO or Average Cost... https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/299691/when-the-revenue-department-changes-its-mind-the-taxpayer-gets-the-headache
  6. You don't mention anything about having your own transport, if you or your GF doesn't drive then I wouldn't recommend Hua Hin as from what I've seen on my 5-6 visits there, things are quite spaced out.... Pattaya may serve your needs better. Before people jump in about Pattaya being a "Cesspit", it is possible to live here without being exposed to the "Nightlife", I live at Wongamat beach which has nothing like "That" but does have Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (Private) & Bang Lamung (Government) Hospital approx. 10 mins away + a pretty decent government school 5 mins away.
  7. I find the Eagle Hawk Merlot (399B) an ok tipple but would stay away from their Cab Sav (or any Cab Sav... NB I know nothing about wines, only what I enjoy drinking & what doesn't give me a raging hangover the next morning which most reds tend to do). Might want to have a look as this thread to get some ideas...
  8. I also use these guys so know that they do Invisalign, much quicker at straightening your teeth out than braces but not cheap.
  9. Are you sure you're not reading the Non-IMM OA requirements as Medical Certificates / Health Insurance / Police clearance checks aren't normally required for a Non-IMM O
  10. Thank you Yoda... Thread shall I read to understand point you have (Sorry, I know it was a Typo but I couldn't resist 🙂.. In my defence I'm up before 4:30 so yet to have a coffee 🙂 ). IMHO the only germane point about Credit Cards is the money used to pay them off, if you never pay it off then clearly it's a loan & you've not remitted money anywhere, if you do pay them off then (IMHO) it becomes a discussion about the funds used to pay them off more than the credit card itself. Now, about that coffee....
  11. And my point is....There are yet undiscovered tribes in the Amazon rain forest who could have told you that BUT... WTF does that have to do with Thailand?
  12. I'm sorry your point being? You not paying your credit card bill is exactly the same as... You not sending yourself that money to Thailand? You never taking that money out of an ATM? You never bringing & exchanging that cash into Thailand? Point?
  13. And I'm sure you're smart enough to get off at Udom Suk to save yourself from 20-30 mins of SukV Traffic 🙂
  14. Bangkok Bank will email you a statement... Click on "More Services" bottom right hand corner of the mobile app, then "Request Account Statement" - Can't quite request a 1 year statement (e.g. I can order one now from 1st November 2023) but am sure you only need 3 months anyway (Maybe best to get 4 as you can't pick the starting day, it always starts from 1st of the month). Do note that BKK Bank Statements do not include your address but as long as you're not using it for proof of address you should be ok. As a test I just requested a statement from November 2023, took approx. 5 minutes...
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