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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. I got one in Feb 2023 because my UK banks were making noises about needing one. Having jumped through the hoops to get one, I filed a Tax Return to reclaim the withheld interest from 2021 & 2022, still haven't received the refund so am in 2 minds about whether to bother filing a return for 2023.
  2. (Technically) if you spend > 179 days in Thailand and remit > 60K THB then you're liable to file a Tax return. Doesn't matter that this income is covered by a DTA, that will just mean that there is no tax to pay on it & it will be a "Nil Return". The reality thus far is they've let people decided for themselves whether any of the money they've remitted is taxable & whether they need to file a Tax Return, I don't see this changing anytime soon for somebody who's just bringing over US SS, but somebody who plans on transferring a large sum of money whilst being Tax Resident should probably file a return even if they know there's no Tax due at the end of it. FWIW I have the same plan, I'll live on the money I already have over her until either the situation becomes clearer & I feel safe bringing in my UK Rental/Dividend income (I'm 2 years away from getting the 1st of my pensions so this is the only income I get) OR spend 2026 non Tax resident during which I'll transfer over the 25% Tax Free lump sum I'll be taking when I get my pension*. *This 25% will be used to meet the $250,000 investment I need to make to get the Wealthy Pensioner Long Term Residency Visa (LTR), unless things change between now & then, this will mean that I don't have to pay Tax on income remitted in the same year it was earned once I have the Visa If your income is >$80K pa OR is >$40K pa & you're willing to invest $250K (NB Existing Investments in Thailand count, so if you already had a Condo over her in your name that would count towards the $250K) then it might be worth looking at getting an LTR.
  3. If you spend < 180 days in Thailand & earn less than 60K THB income from work/assets in Thailand then there is no need to file a Tax Return.
  4. My passport will expire June 2025 so my plan is to either renew it on my next trip to the UK (May) or wait until after that trip & renew it when I get back. Either way I’ll be renewing it before my next extension is due (Sept).
  5. Received the reminder email from (Jomtien) Immigration on Monday morning that my 90 Day Report was due on 30th January, applied at 5:51AM & received the approval email at 3:16PM. Friend of mine's 90 Day was also due on 30th January, he did his 1st Online application on Saturday & it was approved at 3:30PM on Tuesday (also Jomtien IO).
  6. As I posted previously I believe that the RD hasn't issued any further edicts because the only thing that has changed is the fact that income earned in previous years is now subject to tax assessment if it is brought into Thailand in future years & they've explained that. Somebody earlier used the analogy of "Getting on a Football Pitch & being Told the Rules after Kick-off" That's not right... A better analogy would be you "Earn" a Yellow Card (Income) in one Game & in any future games the referee tells you that if you bring that card into the game (Remit that income into Thailand) then it will count... Instead of the old rule of it not counting. The referee doesn't need to explain the existing rules of football to you as they haven't changed & they expect you to understand those already.
  7. In fairness & playing Devil's Advocate (If the Devil didn't exist would he have an advocate ), it's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist so the onus is really on proving that it does. This doesn't reflect my views on whether God exists or not... I don't believe he/she/they exist in the Abrahamic religion sense, but do think that there is something out there that we don't (& may never) understand, is that "God"? Dunno...
  8. The way I see this is, whatever you were doing last year in respect of bringing income into Thailand that was earned in the same calendar year is exactly the same. The only difference is that the "Same Calendar Year" now means "Any Calendar Year from 2024 onwards", so 2024 will be exactly the same. I think the problem for most people (& I certainly include myself in this) is that we don't fully understand the tax rules as they were before this change but have not needed to do so as we weren't bringing in income the same Calendar year it was earned, so I guess that if we did fully understand the rules prior to 1/1/2024, then we'd know exactly what the rules are now & how we'll be impacted going forward. Simple example, somebody remitting 100K pm from a private pension each month as the pension is paid, if they should have been paying tax on it in 2023 then they should be paying tax on it in 2024, 2025 etc... , if they shouldn't then they won't be paying tax on it in 2024, 2025 etc... The same is true of any income. So I guess the answer (to me) is that I need to fully understand the current rules as (to the RD) this is just a "Clarification"/"Tweak" to one part of the rules which they've already explained, so there's nothing more to explain. Now if I have questions on "What is assessable income", "How do DTAs impact my Tax Calculations", "Can I gift my partner money" etc... etc... etc... then nothing has changed in respect of these so I can't really expect the RD to think that they have to explain "any changes" to me.
  9. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him Voltaire
  10. Technically Not sure why people would think there would be a list of "Non-Assessable Income" as all Income is Tax Assessable & the fact that there is no tax due on it can only be ascertained after assessing it for tax. E.g. If income from an Inheritance is not taxable Thailand, then that's fine the income is assessed as being from an Inheritance & not taxed... It's still Tax assessable. Another example, UK Government Pensions, US SS etc... are not taxable in Thailand, again the income would be assessed as being a Government Pension/SS & would not taxed... It's still Tax Assessable. Practically I am not saying the income has to be or will be assessed, things like advisory notices from the RD & DTAs allow us to short circuit the process & not declare certain incomes, but if the RD came to audit you, any Inheritance or Government Pensions/SS will be assessed & if found to be such, deemed not taxable.
  11. And when the Crow's drank at home there was noticeably less murders occurring
  12. Laguna Beach Resort 3 (Maldives) stayed there for 5 nights via AirBnB, really nice place (awesome pool) but had to use Bolt to get anywhere as I don't have my own transport. On the AirBnB listing it mentioned a shuttle bus twice per day to the big Lotus at South Jomtien & Jomtien beach but the security guard looked at us like we were talking gibberish when we asked about it & I didn't see a single bus during our stay there. Oh & there were lots of Soi Dogs hanging around the streets outside, very placid during the day but I wouldn't want to be walking/riding a motorbike around there at night. Edit: Apologies I thought this was a new thread & it seems I posted exactly the same as the above 18 months ago!!! - At least I was consistent :)
  13. A simple comparison would be when you think of Stephen Hawking, do you think "Author" or Genius who was so far ahead of everybody else with his thoughts on Time & Space. I am comparing Nietzsche with Hawkins because, in his field, Nietzsche was so far ahead of everybody else. Camus is a much easier read though (says he as he scoots to find the remote control so he can watch some Sherlock Holmes on New Years Day - Life is Good) Happy New Year :)
  14. Sorry one of my "quirks" is I refuse to use honorifics so he's "Arthur" to me :) Brilliant Author & mind
  15. You seem to view Nietzsche as an Author & I'd never put that label on him even though he's written books. My favourite author has to be Conan Doyle, I grew up on Sherlock Holmes stories & love them to this day :)
  16. Love this post... Thank you for reminding us that "This is Thailand" & so everything we think we know, we don't.
  17. Read my previous post, somebody posted on here that they had been asked for a Tax certificate, I can't remember when or in what thread nor do I care as I use the 800K in the bank method... If you use the 65K pm method it's your job to find out whether it's true or not not mine.
  18. Interesting you say that as there are a few TV series, believe or not "Friends" being one, I've sat through & bought the 10 series boxset 3 times with various GFs & found it a completely different viewing experience on each watching. Am really looking forward to watching Mad Men now :)
  19. Look it was posted on here that a BM was asked to show a tax certificate for his extension whilst doing one based on 65K pm income. Why, Who, When, I couldn't give a toss as I use the 800K in the bank, but it was posted on here so I mentioned it.
  20. I'm sorry Jerry, this really did make me laugh :) & "I have no Idea" probably sums up most of the posts on this thread! Happy New Year :)
  21. It was reported in this thread (or one of the other ones) that a BM was asked to show a Tax certificate when doing their extension, I use 800K in the bank so didn't really take note of where it was posted.. IMHO, nobody has done any "scaremongering", they've just shared their thoughts & am sure if it came across any other way then that's not what was intended - As per my post above there are guys who should have been paying tax all along & they will probably get away with not paying tax in the future as I'm sure RD has no interest in an Expat bringing in < 800K pa. The game changer could be if immigration do start asking for a certificate showing you've paid tax on that money, guys bringing in private pensions from the UK would be able to show their P60 which details pension earned & tax paid, I have no idea what you guys from the US would use..
  22. Nietzsche said it best... "God is Dead"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_is_dead Now can we close this thread :) P.S. I'm just joking, I find some of the posts (in particular @Sunmaster) very thought provoking & cause me to take a good look at my inner self... But I do think Nietzsche was right about the Christian/Muslim/Judaist etc... view of "God".
  23. I don't see an incongruence between 1 & 2 so not sure why "The Scaremongers" are uncoordinated but have said since they introduced the 65K income method of getting an extension that people are opening themselves up to (potentially) being liable for Tax. Simple example, I use the 65K pm income method remitting income as it accrues & am from a country that doesn't have a DTA with Thailand... I have always been liable for tax on that income in Thailand, few (I'd bet next to no) Expats pay it. This is why some immigrations offices are now asking for a tax certificate (or equivalent) when doing extensions based on the 65K pm method. And that's not "Scaremongering" it's a simple fact...
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