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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 10 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

    Well with some of the restrictions lifted and a mass exodus off Phuket, domestic flights operating again and holiday this weekend. Who knows there could be a massive spike and then they could extend it. 

    As said by many I didn't even know markets were supposed to be closed because none of them have been around here and it was only about ten days ago that they started the compulsory wearing of masks at the local market. 

    Just checked with wishbeer dot com, they replied they're still unable to deliver. They DID, however, offer some very nice discounts on any future deliveries once they're able to return to business.

  2. 19 minutes ago, TingTawng said:

    31st May 2020 headline: Booze ban extended through all of June due to 100% spike in daily cases (from 1 infection a day to 2).  And so it goes.  Welcome to Thaislam. 

    My greatest fear is someone high up on the food chain wants to grab this opportunity to remove all the "sins" in Thailand. Close up Walking Street, remove Soi 6-like venues, turn it into an "family friendly only" nation.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, INANIMATECARBONROD said:

    It's novel, it's serious, and we need to take it seriously and fight it appropriately BUT it doesn't seem as bad as some would want you to believe, does it?

    Many thousands of dead people wish they could disagree with you. The post I responded to was "this is just another regular flu." Use my numbers, use your numbers, it doesn't matter. This is NOT "just another flu."

    • Confused 1
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