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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 19 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

    Trump only got elected because 4 million Americans who had previously voted for Obama thought Hilary was such a shoo-in they didn't need to vote.

    Not at ALL true. Hillary was one of the most hated candidates ever. The unfortunate side effect of retirement is time to research candidates like her. She was one of the original architects of TPP, the ONE thing Trump got right to avoid (even though for the wrong reasons). Roughly 43% of valid voters didn't vote cuz they couldn't waste their time on a choice between a sh*t taco and a douche (South Park reference) and we got the same situation all over again.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, bendejo said:

    Look up what Howard Stern (!) came out with yesterday regarding what DT thinks of his fans.  Don't want to post the link here as some will not be able to handle it.  I believe the story originated with the NY Daily News.



    Quite similar to what DT has tweeted about one of his lead sycophants Sean Hannity. I really wonder what DT thinks about Pence?

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    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, katatonic said:

    It would. Sometimes I look out to sea at night - I can see a chunk of the Andaman Sea from my house - and there are literally hundreds of lit-up squid/octopus boats. When out en masse there are way more of them than before the lockdown and only a couple at other times oddly. But it's not hard to imagine there's serious overfishing going on. No life between here and the Andaman/Nicobar Islands but when you get past them the contrast is amazing: fish, whales, dolphins, birds all the way to Sri Lanka.

    I live on the 26th floor on Na Jomtien beach. Lately there have been notably fewer boats. I started really watching during that last Buddhist holiday, I thought they were taking a holiday, but less than half the normal night lights out there since.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sir Swagman said:

    Did the judge handling this case not say it was an outright case of treason on the part of Flynn? Interesting if he ignores the completely unbiased and apolitical Justice Dept here. Sure he should go and work for an indicted coconspirator, hell, soon you could just put walls and bars around the White House.

    This is the original judge who very carefully questioned Flynn if he understood the charges and what his guilty plea involved. The same judge still has to approve Barr's boot licking decision. It will be most interesting to see how this plays out.

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