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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 12 hours ago, SoilSpoil said:

    50 students in 1 classroom again? 1 has a cold, fever or flu and starts coughing, possibly resulting in a stampede. Interesting to follow, because most parents we talk to prefer to do homeschooling.

    The school at which I teach has actually come up with a pretty slick system. Staggered classes, 25 minute sessions vs 50 minute, we will wind up with class sizes halved and the students will receive exactly the same amount of class time. Downside is we have to hit the ground running each session. No warm up, no real fun time, and NO breaks in October, Christmas or April next year. It's gonna be tough, but that's the reality of the times.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Mama Noodle said:

    Yep hes bad off and its blatantly obvious. Loving it. Pelosi isn't too far behind as well. Loving that too. 

    I'm an Independent. I owe no allegiance to either party. Joe's dementia is becoming more evident every day. Pelosi is so far gone as well. I watch interviews of her and wonder how many face lifts has she had. She always has that "deer frozen in the headlights" look about her, and her rambling mental thread quavers to the point of distraction. Having said as much, you must admit Trump's musings that he says out loud are pretty messed up, too.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    the only thing that could get me to even consider voting "not biden" this time around will be if joe picks "her" as a running mate.  if that happens, just won't bother.

    I saw an interview of Biden and Stacey Abrams today. He is SO far into dotage, and it's frightening. Regardless, I hope to gawd he has advisers that would tell him under no uncertain terms to leave "her" out of it. She's just too toxic, though I would bet my bottom dollar the thought has crossed "her" mind every damned day.

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