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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Who hired those protestors to riot ?

    A little of the left and a little of the right.

    "Federal law enforcement officials tell CNN they are aware of organized groups who are seeking to carry out the property destruction and violence, using the cover of the legitimate protests in Minneapolis and elsewhere. Those domestic extremist groups include anarchists, anti-government groups often associated with far-right extremists and white supremacy causes, and far-left extremists who identify with anti-fascist ideology. "



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  2. 3 hours ago, RobFord said:

    In his defense one can say that what has started as a platform of free speech and good intentions has been hijacked by all sorts of people/groups with agendas and nefarious intentions to do harm to people of all kind and all nations, and now it has turned to be grossly misused and misinterpreted of what are the boundaries of said free speech and how to use thees tools for the betterment of man kind rather than use it for everything other that what it was intended for...

    No, this is the worst case of red herring - "they did it so pay no attention to what I did."

    Every person's actions are judged on their own merit or worthlessness. Trump is a racist tweeter and he's being called out for it. Don't excuse it because of others' bad actions.

  3. 2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    So if you still haven't figured out my answer I'll be perfectly blunt.  I wouldn't attempt to suppress any of it.  I wouldn't be so foolish.  Doing so affords me no protections I am in need or want of.  Granted, you won't understand a single thing I wrote.  I know that in advance, LOL.

    Quite an objectionable post to assume no one understands your prolific blather - we know better than to read your blah de blah. Again, the topic is Trump is unhappy for getting caught out for lying.

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