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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 8 hours ago, Drew3223 said:

    Just circumstances that prevent me from going earlier. Plus the flight I am looking at booking is considerably cheaper on October 28th, so if I have to overstay anyway, would benefit me more to make that overstay/pay that fine now.


    Want to make sure it will all be okay.

    If you fly out on October 28th, you will overstay after your extension ends AGAIN, as they will backdate your extension to start on September 27th if you go to get it later.

  2. 3 hours ago, MrMilk said:

    Would really appriciate some more reports, especially from Chiang Mai.


    If no announcement Thuesday I just have to take the trip up there Wednesday.

    That said, Chiang Mai is almost 1000 km from my home, so rather not return empty handed

    You're cutting it fine. Why wait for an announcement? There's a high likelihood that there won't be any further announcement.

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  3. 7 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I don't think people staying in a hotel have ever been asked for a TM30 printout and there are definitely no recent reports of it from anywhere.

    It was rare, but not unheard of. Chonburi Immigration made me fill in a TM30 form and put a TM30 receipt in my passport before processing a 30-day extension when I staid at a hotel last year. Different counters and they wouldn't give you a queue number for the extension counter without a TM30 receipt in your passport, no matter what may or may not have been filed online. I've never encountered that elsewhere.

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  4. 1 hour ago, edwardandtubs said:

    You don't need a printout of a TM30. If the hotel has done it, immigration will have it on their online system. I wasn't asked for it in Ubon and I can't see why any other immigration office would ask for it. Remember, if we are asking for a regular extension, we are supposed to be regular tourists and regular tourists don't wonder round with TM30 forms.

    While logically true, this differed wildly between different immigration offices - already pre COVID-19. I'd expect the same now, so it's best to be prepared.

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  5. 1 minute ago, samisaurus said:

    See if you can edit the date of the document in a pdf editor and then submit to immigration and get your extension. Debating doing this myself , but unsure how much immigration checks into these letters. I had one from March as well

    If they do check, I hope you realize that falsifying an official document and using it at immigration is a crime (well, probably two crimes) that can cause you quite some trouble.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Fibonaqi said:

    I have not applied for an extension yet for my visa exempt entry because it was not needed with the first visa amnesty announcement in April, can I get a 30-day extension in Bangkok without the embassy letter? I have a Bangkok local address and TM30 report done for me at the time. I heard reports here that others have been successful (in Chiang Mai).

    I haven't seen a single report of doing that successfully in Bangkok.

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