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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. 57 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

    Nonsense. Politicians who anger the masses take a risk, it comes with their job and I don't feel sorry for them. Being a US senator also comes with perks, after all. They could have chosen a different career path, as I did.


    That this idiot is thinking that he's important enough for someone to pay for an attack on him is delusional, maybe he should go easy on the coke.


  2. 1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

    I was happy when they took over and stopped the nightly killings. At the beginning it looked like they were really going to clean up the house - uproot corruption, mainly. And there were signs they were doing it.


    But then it all stopped and junta started behaving like politicians. Then overstayed their welcome.

    That's a very naive view, ignorant of the long and inglorious history of military coups in Thailand.


    Each new government, military and civilian alike, sees the need to purge personnel affiliated with its opposition from the public service once taking office. What better way to do that than a (selective) anti corruption crackdown? As they are all corrupt, it's like shooting sitting ducks. The gullible public sees some action, the public service gets stacked with cronies of the new government, it's the perfect smoke screen.


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  3. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

    This seems reasonable but it does need some limited time period, right? Or could you renew every month forever?

    Not forever, only until certain conditions are met. Which precise conditions that would be is debatable, of course. Being able to enter a neighboring country and to return to Thailand without quarantine, for example.

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  4. 51 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    AFAIK, Visa exempt and VoA (technically) require proof of funds for a 15/30 day stay.


    Many extensions of stay require bank funds parked, or income.


    Requiring less for amnesty people seems unusual.

    They could have ended the automatic extension once it was safe to visit immigration offices and introduced a "pay to stay" scheme at that time. This could have included: Pay 1,900 baht for each extension, show proof of funds and/or accomodation, show proof of insurance. I think most of those affected wouldn't have had a problem with that.


    For whatever reason, that didn't happen.


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  5. I do believe that there will be some takers, mostly among those who currently aren't allowed back in. For genuine tourists, losing 14 days in quarantine is a tough proposition, but again there will be some takers who want to stay for 2+ months.


    Their target of 2 million tourists is ludicrous under these circumstances, however. If they're very lucky and can find a good solution for flights, they might get a tenth of that, a few hundred thousand tourists.

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