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Posts posted by Caldera

  1. As immigration have put affected foreigners on notice that they need to either extend their "visa" or prepare to leave by September 26th, I wouldn't bank on any additional time to get out in case the government doesn't extend the blanket extension again.


    What to make of this depends on your personal circumstances. Some qualify for extensions that could be applied for at the very end of the automatic extension. Others don't and might need weeks of preparation to extend their stay.

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  2. 1 hour ago, PatrickC said:

    Also important in this argument is that these illegal "tourists" will not have proper medical insurance here, so if something happens to them they will burden the hospital system. It is right and proper that they leave Thailand now before they create a problem for the country.


    Any medical costs would far outweigh the tiny amount of Baht they contribute.

    That's a lot of nonsense. Firstly, those on automatic extension granted by the government aren't "illegal tourists" - there is nothing illegal about staying for as long as it's permitted. Secondly, nothing stops that group from purchasing medical insurance and I'm sure many have done so - I know I have.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Emdog said:

    Pain is nature's way of telling your something isn't right. Hangover telling you maybe not such a good idea to poison yourself with too much alcohol.

    This cure seems to let you feel everything is fine when it isn't

    Along lines of giving a drug so you can keep your hand on a hot stove burner. You may not feel the pain, but damage is being done

    You sound as if you're really fun to party with!


  4. @geriatrickid I did mention in my later post #19 that I donated to the Soi Dog Foundation in the past and that I'm supportive of their efforts to neuter strays and to educate locals about responsible pet ownership.


    But this overseas pet adoption business is nuts! In my opinion (and I respect yours), that discredits the foundation. I'm all for treating animals well, but flying a Thai dog halfway round the world to an adopted home in a Western country is way over the top.

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  5. Bubbles, twin countries, I think it will just fail again.


    I think their best bet would be to aim for long-stay tourists, those who have time and money to spend and want to visit Thailand. Others simply won't be willing and able to quarantine. Snow birds and the likes, but it might already be too late to open for them as they tend to book well in advance.

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